Relationships in couples are often destroyed not so much because of the incompatibility of people (especially those who have lived together for many years), but because of the accumulating negativity. Frequent stress makes a person irritable, intolerant, makes him treat unfairly not only with colleagues and subordinates or clients, but also with friends and loved ones. Negative emotions accumulate, anger breaks out from time to time, and now the relationship in a couple becomes cool, feelings cool down, and love is replaced by resentment. This can be avoided with the help of many "medicines", moreover, one of the most effective methods of "therapy" in this case will be attending Argentine tango classes.

In everyday life, we are often forced to wear masks, and sometimes hide our discontent, then tearing off anger on loved ones. Argentine tango is a passionate and at the same time very gentle and sincere dance that will help you throw off the mask and open up. “Communicating” with your partner without words during the dance, you will be able to “say” a lot to each other, demonstrate the full depth of your feelings, show what you are used to hiding, without fear of judgment or misunderstanding.
The reward for you will be an amazing new sensation and the opportunity for an emotional outburst, which often has to be contained in everyday life. By opening up, strengthening and demonstrating your emotions, you will dump negativity, get rid of irritation and anger. Regular exercises will help you and your partner to understand each other better and get rid of the habit of transferring extraneous problems and worries into your personal life.
Argentine tango is an amazing opportunity to learn how to get negative thoughts out of your head. If, while communicating with your significant other, you painfully remember a quarrel on public transport or a problematic project at work, this can negatively affect your relationship. In Argentine tango trainings, you will learn how to increase your resistance to stress. Through the exercises, you will learn to quickly get rid of negative thoughts and emotions. Moreover, do not forget that during dancing, the level of serotonin and endorphin increases, which means that a person becomes happier and feels joy. Be sure that in the near future this will have a beneficial effect on your relationship, make them more harmonious, pleasant and durable.
Tangotherapy is an excellent tool that helps to cope with depression, fears, self-doubt, which often spoil the relationship between lovers. Learning Argentine tango gives a quick and very impressive result. It helps partners open up, begin to perceive themselves and their soulmate differently, teaches them to communicate without words, appreciate the love and closeness of another person and be tolerant of other people's mistakes. Thanks to Argentine tango classes, people take off their "protective shell" and learn to make their relationships with loved ones more honest, sincere, tender and harmonious.