How The Absence Of Parental Love In Childhood Can Threaten

How The Absence Of Parental Love In Childhood Can Threaten
How The Absence Of Parental Love In Childhood Can Threaten

From a psychological point of view, all the problems of adults originate from childhood. This is mainly due to the lack of tenderness and love received from the parents. But is it really so, and what does the situation of lost love still threaten with?

How the lack of parental love in childhood can threaten
How the lack of parental love in childhood can threaten

During the period of carrying the baby in the womb, the expectant mother is advised to talk more with the tummy, to stroke it. This is due to the fact that already at this stage of development, the baby needs emotional contact.

Children need care, tenderness, support. And only from the parents will the child be able to receive all the warmth and all the love in full. Good deeds should be encouraged. It is necessary to instill faith in the child. He should feel that his family needs him. He must know that he is safe, that he will be protected in the event of a threat.

But it happens that parents forget about it. They humiliate their children, often scold, insult and even beat. For example, adults who, as children, grew up in an orphanage. They did not receive parental love, care. Didn't feel protected, didn't feel supported. As a result, now the majority cannot be realized in adulthood.

A child's self-esteem is built not only through the relationship with the parents, but also on the basis of the relationship between mom and dad. Constant quarrels, fights, disrespect in the family greatly affect the formation of the child's psyche. In such families, the child begins to think that he is to blame for the quarrels of his parents. He begins to get sick more often, because parents give sick children more attention and care than healthy ones. Such children, becoming adults, will not feel bold, complexes of appearance and weight will appear. They may even become famous and successful, but unfortunately they will be addicted to alcohol or drugs. In rare cases, everything can end in suicide.

As a result of their difficult childhood, disliked adults begin to harbor resentment and anger towards other people. This can result in the fact that they will begin to mock their children.

To prevent this from happening, we must remember that we are all loved by someone. And if you didn't get enough love in childhood, then you shouldn't dwell on it and blame others. Present your love and care to your girlfriend or boyfriend. Know that your friends need you. Get a pet and take care of it. You need to take care and support your loved ones, all the love you give will surely return.
