12 years - the beginning of the adolescent crisis. The fact that parents are happy to observe at 15-16 is already a consequence, and everything is born exactly at 12-13. Therefore, the most important thing at this age is not to "miss" the child. He still seems to be obedient, still reasoning in a completely childish way, but important changes in the character of this age carry the teenager further and further away from his parents. Considering a number of changes in character and physical status, finding common ground with a 12-year-old child is not as difficult as it seems.

Step 1
At the age of 12, the importance of the peer group begins to rise. Previously, they were just comrades. Their choice had to be coordinated with the mother; school grades and authority among teachers influenced the prestige. Now there is no. The values of the surrounding youth environment (and they are different), popularity with the opposite sex, and the presence of life experience come to the fore. Gently, but regularly replenish the moral and ethical standards of behavior in the growing child, tell him about the possible consequences of wrong actions, carefully monitor the state of self-esteem and in every possible way contribute to its growth.
Step 2
At the age of 12, personal reflection begins to manifest itself in full, i.e. attempts to evaluate oneself, one's position in society, one's thoughts and feelings. At the age of 12, listen especially carefully to what your child has to say to you. Perhaps he accidentally mentions what he would like to hide, and you will be able to control the progress of his growing up. But even if this does not happen, the habit of sharing their experiences, communication with parents will help the child in the future to overcome the fear of loneliness, which is so characteristic of adolescents.
Step 3
At the age of 12, intensive physical development takes place. At this age, it gives a lot of trouble due to the fact that the child cannot yet cope with such rapid changes in his body, cannot control them and is often shy of his appearance. In this case, only one thing helps - the broadest possible education on all questions of physiology. Answer all questions openly about changes in the child's physical status. It is at this age that a teenager should receive comprehensive information on all issues of interest to him at first hand, so as not to seek satisfaction of his curiosity in much more dubious sources.