The ability to find a common language with different people can be learned if desired. You need to start thinking in a special way, be able to find common topics on which you can easily communicate, feel the mood of other people.

- 1. Own path from isolation to an active life position
- 2. Positive thinking
- 3. Formed life guidelines
- 4. Meeting people of different nationalities and religions
- 5. Ability to feel people from the first minutes of acquaintance
Step 1
The ability to find a common language with people who, as it seems at first glance, have nothing to do with us, is given to some by nature, while others can learn this important skill for life. After all, you must admit that even our best friends once seemed to us to one degree or another as strangers.
Start by adopting a mindset that makes it easier to find common ground with other people. Be prepared to focus on others, be interested in their thoughts, needs, hopes, joys, sorrows, etc. In short, you need to get out of your world, be open and friendly.
Step 2
Get ready to take the lead. You should not be afraid to get to know people first. Do not expect that any conditions will be created for this to happen, but be able to create them yourself. Notice how easily and naturally the children get to know each other.
Step 3
If you want to find a common language with a stranger, you need to learn to balance between the ability to listen to the other person and your own openness. Express your thoughts, but at the same time be able to hear the other person.
Step 4
Learn to see the good in any person. Don't look at his skin color, social status, etc. The real treasure in any person is the possession of self-esteem and high moral qualities.
Step 5
Talk to the person about topics that might unite you. So, people are often united by past experience or, conversely, dreams, outlook on the future. In addition, you can always talk about sports, hometown, language, country, culture, customs, etc. People are also often united by work, hobbies, and mutual friends.
Step 6
In any situation, remain confident, calm, open. Rest assured that anyone will be happy to meet you. All people are different, but this difference can sometimes unite. Learn to feel other people, connect with them on an emotional level. It will also help you be confident in any situation.