Newborn babies cry often enough, which frightens young parents, who are not always able to understand why their beloved baby is upset. Crying crumbs is not only a signal that he is uncomfortable. At this stage in life, this is his only way of communicating with his parents.

In order for the baby to feel comfortable, calm and protected, young and already established mothers need to figure out what are the reasons that lead to such a violent expression of their emotions by the child. This may indicate inflammation of the mucous membrane of the mouth or middle ear. The fact is that during otitis media, it is very painful for a child to swallow food. At the same time, crying is very loud and shrill. In addition, this disease can be accompanied by nasal congestion. Crying that occurs after a newborn has refreshed, in most cases, is associated with pain in the tummy. Such painful sensations disappear when the baby reaches 3-4 months of age. When colic occurs, the child frowns, pulls the legs to the tummy and touches them. To avoid this, make sure that the baby does not swallow air with the milk. Immediately after eating, scold the baby in a “column.” In the evenings and after a long period of wakefulness, the newborn usually cries from fatigue. It is still difficult for him to fall asleep, so he warns his parents that he needs to be rocked. At the same time, the baby loses interest in toys and the whole world around him. Turn off the lights and sing a lullaby in a quiet, calm environment. It happens that the baby bursts into tears while his mother tries to put him to bed. At the same time, he actively moves his arms and legs, throws off the diapers and blankets. In this case, the child is simply not tired and does not want to sleep yet. Crying of a baby in a dream can warn that he is overexcited during the day. Intestinal colic or teething can be another cause. Calm the baby down, pat the head and sing a song. The presence of family is important to him. The loud, demanding, drawn-out cry of the baby notifies the mother of hunger. The kid blushes and holds out his pens. So feed your baby as soon as possible. Wet diapers or an overflowing diaper also cause discomfort for the baby. He warns his mother about this with a whimper, and sometimes hiccups. When a newborn is hot, his skin turns red, and prickly heat appears. The kid widely scatters arms and legs and whimpers softly at the same time. Be sure to undress the child and wipe with a damp cloth. A piercing unexpected cry, turning into a quiet whimper and accompanied by hiccups, notifies the parents that the child is cold. At the same time, the baby's skin (arms, back, nose) becomes cold. You need to cover him up or dress him warmly. Observe your child and very soon you will easily learn to understand the reasons for his crying.