How To Deal With Childhood Fears

How To Deal With Childhood Fears
How To Deal With Childhood Fears

Children's fears often remain with us for many years: sometimes we ourselves do not understand why we are afraid of the dark, we try to stay away from rivers or do not swim to depths, we are afraid to ride attractions or even go out onto the balcony while on one of the upper floors of a high-rise building …

How to deal with childhood fears
How to deal with childhood fears

Many of these phobias appear in childhood and persist only because we were unable to cope with them in time. Helping your baby to overcome fears is one of the tasks of parents. At the same time, it is often not at all necessary to bring the child to a psychologist, unless we are talking about a serious problem. Parents only need to learn to understand the nature of childhood fear, the reasons for its appearance and how to deal with it.

If your child becomes afraid of something, from his point of view, animate, give him the opportunity to protect himself from it. Very often, babies are afraid of Babu Yaga, the monster hiding in the closet or under the bed, and other creatures that the child thinks can harm him.

Give your child protection from the "enemy". It can be a toy sword, a few soldiers, a favorite doll. Explain to your child that toys will protect him while he sleeps and will not be offended. As time goes on, dealing with fear will become much easier. To consolidate the effect, read the baby fairy tales about brave toys, about the victory over evil spirits.

In situations that scare the child, it is very important to behave correctly. For example, if a toddler, speaking at a children's event, forgot a rhyme and was frightened by the reaction of adults, tell him about how you or your friends found themselves in a similar situation. Do not scold him, and even more so do not say that his actions or feelings are abnormal, wrong. On the contrary, your task is to keep the child and explain how to act in this situation.
