All people are different, obviously. Someone likes one thing, someone else. However, there are 10 universal secrets of perfect sex that will suit all couples, without exception.

Correct attitude
Although they say that bed is the best way to reconcile, it is not always, and not for everyone. If you quarreled a lot, depending on the key in which it all happened. If you said a bunch of nasty things to each other, insulted and humiliated each other, what kind of intimacy can we talk about? If there was just a scandal without becoming personal, it is quite possible to end it in bed. Usually on emotions everything turns out much more interesting and leaves more impressions.

Relieve tension
If your woman is tired during the day and has never sat down, she is unlikely to have a great desire to make love. Unload her a little from household chores, help, do a massage. The same goes for men. If he is tired at work, drink, feed, let him relax, and only then you can continue.
It is better not to relieve tension with alcohol. Firstly, you can sort it out, and secondly, if a woman is easily aroused and this state lasts for a long time, then a man, on the contrary, may immediately want to sleep. In another case, men have problems with the fact that they cannot come. And after a busy day, it is unlikely that a woman will be very pleased if sex lasts 2 hours.
Physical exercise
Do not eat heavy dinner, do not eat spicy food. Sex is essentially a gym workout. If you overeat, you are unlikely to be able to get and deliver maximum pleasure. Eat dinner about an hour before intimacy. Avoid foods that cause bloating, belching, heartburn, and bad breath.
Pay attention to your clothes. To keep the passion for years to come, never wear old torn socks, bras, or underpants. Lingerie should look beautiful and exciting.
If you're always making love under the covers, it's time to start crawling out from under it. Try to have sex at least once in the twilight, slowly undressing in front of your partner. Rest assured, men love with their eyes, so further passion will overwhelm both of you.

You can try doing this in front of the mirror. It is not necessary, of course, to look only at yourself there. But sometimes it is useful to look, as it were, from the outside.
In order not to experience discomfort, the room should be warm enough. It is much more difficult to reach orgasm if the hands or feet are cold. If you notice this with your partner, be sure to help him keep warm. You can take a warm shower together, or simply rub your palms first, then your feet.

Music is relaxing. And from the right music you will have pleasant emotions. But keep in mind, if the emotions were too strong, the music will be an anchor. And then, when you hear this song again, your brain will reproduce everything that happened.
Telephone, intercom and other means of communication with the outside world
In these moments, there is only you. Nothing should bother you. Imagine if the phone rings at the most inopportune moment. You may not pick up the phone, but the moment will be interrupted. A great lesson for a partner who forgot to turn off the phone is a little prank on your part. While he is talking, caress him orally. Believe me, it will be impossible to focus on the conversation, and this will give a storm of emotions.

Who should be the initiative
Both partners must be proactive. There is no need to wait. But be correct. There are days when you really don't want intimacy. Fatigue, stress. Don't insist.
The first one is to sleep

Often women complain that a man, having reached orgasm, immediately goes to bed. And you somehow. I did my job. It is not right. And at least disrespectful. Over time, a woman will generally lose interest in intimacy. What's the point? So tune in to please. Repeat if necessary, or try to satisfy your woman orally before you finish yourself.
It is important for a woman to talk to her after sex. She gave all of herself to you, now she wants to get a portion of your attention. Lie together, embracing, talk about something beautiful, dream. You can just lie there in silence and stroke her hair, shoulders. Most importantly, don't touch the erogenous zones unless you plan on continuing.
Tenderness and passion

It is important to find a balance of tenderness and passion. Let animal lust be combined with incredible tenderness. Love, surrender to each other and try to give your partner maximum pleasure. And only then through sex will you get closer, become a single whole, begin to feel and understand each other. It is very important. Not only for pleasure, but also for the release of energy. A woman feeds a man, making him strong and successful. Notice your partner's reactions to stroking different zones, reactions to changing positions, to oral sex. You don't have to do it on the run, just relieve yourself. Approach love making as a creative process that takes time and total dedication.