Timely sex education of adolescents with an explanation of the physiology of the human body, conversations about the norms of hygiene and the rules of communication with the opposite sex are the prevention of masturbation.

What is masturbation and should you fight it?
Under the concept of "masturbation" is meant artificial stimulation of the genitals in order to obtain sexual release. This phenomenon dates back to ancient times, when the biblical character Onan, not wanting to fully copulate with the wife of his deceased brother, spewed seed on the ground. The vain outpouring of semen, which men achieve by a manual method, is only an imitation of sexual intercourse with the inability to fertilize a woman.
In adolescence, masturbation can be regarded as the boy's desire to know his body. Some young men see this activity as a kind of sedative.
Female masturbation is commonly referred to as masturbation. According to some studies, about 20% of girls over the age of 14 are engaged in it.
Failure to comply with the rules of personal hygiene can also serve as an impetus for masturbation. The remains of urine and smegma accumulated under the foreskin - discharge from the penis, cause itching of the genitals and the desire to scratch them. Attempts to calm irritated areas can result in the boy's involuntary ejaculation.
If the action is performed consciously, the teenager tries to retire in the bathroom or closes in his room, hiding under the covers. Parents who interfere with the child at the most inopportune moment begin to shame him. The embarrassed boy finds no justification for his actions and withdraws into himself.
How harmful is it to masturbate?
Repeated masturbation within one day can cause prolonged stagnation of venous blood in the pelvic organs. The danger of this deviation lies in the possible development of an inflammatory process in the prostate gland and seminal vesicles.
Acts of masturbation, which are not a regular need, do not pose a threat to the neuropsychic state and health in general.
Comparing masturbation with normal sex, it is worth noting that complete relaxation in the first case does not occur, and the male body remains in tension for a long time. The harm of masturbation, or masturbation, masturbation is expressed in the fact that with frequent acts, they can cause sexual weakness. This is due to the development of a conditioned reflex "ejaculation - full erection."
In psycho-emotional terms, masturbation can turn into a bad habit, becoming an artificial substitute for real relationships with the opposite sex. Very often, a hobby for a forbidden occupation encompasses people who are weak-willed, unsure of themselves and dissatisfied with the social side of their lives.
Masturbate or not?
To engage in masturbation or not, each person must decide depending on the current situation. If your partner is sick or on critical days, it is better for a man's semen to spill in the bathroom than on the side in a dubious environment. The main thing is not to get carried away and remember that no orgasm from masturbation, no matter how bright it may seem, will replace full-fledged sexual intercourse with your soul mate.