Sex during pregnancy for most couples becomes more rare, but a woman at this particular time, due to hormonal changes in the body, can experience a brighter orgasm. Some ladies in a position are frightened by such strong sensations and wonder if orgasm is harmful during pregnancy.

Doctors say that orgasm during pregnancy is harmless. At the same time, it is absolutely natural to increase sensitivity and emotional susceptibility, an increase in blood flow to the uterus and genitals, leading to brighter and more prolonged explosions of feelings. For these reasons, a woman can experience orgasm during pregnancy even in a dream.
In the early stages of pregnancy, orgasm does no harm to the development of the fetus, as it passes unnoticed for him. In some cases, the attending physician recommends that a woman refrain from making love, but this applies only to cases when bearing a child is accompanied by various complications.
Doctors are sure that sexual pleasure not only does not harm the health of the mother and fetus, but also brings great benefits. During orgasm, the walls of the uterus contract, due to which the placenta is better supplied with blood, and the fetus is better supplied with nutrients and oxygen. Contraction of the muscles of the uterus is a good exercise before future labor. The pleasure hormones released during orgasm make a woman happier and calmer, which cannot but have a beneficial effect on her overall well-being and the state of the fetus. With delayed labor, a strong orgasm can also rush the baby into the world.
To make sex safe, you should choose comfortable positions that exclude pressure on the abdomen, reduce the force of movements.
During pregnancy, orgasm is harmful only when there is a threat of miscarriage. Also, the number of sexual contacts should be reduced in the prenatal period, so as not to cause the onset of contractions. Sex is not recommended if partners have infectious diseases, amniotic fluid leakage, miscarriages and a history of premature birth.
But even in the case of a ban on vaginal contact, one can satisfy each other with oral sex, since a clitoral orgasm is not harmful during pregnancy.