What Positions Are Suitable For A Girl With A High Vagina

What Positions Are Suitable For A Girl With A High Vagina
What Positions Are Suitable For A Girl With A High Vagina

Not everyone thinks about such a moment as options for the location of the vagina. However, differences do exist, and they have a significant impact on the comfort of sex. By choosing the right postures, you can have a lot more fun.

What positions are suitable for a girl with a high vagina
What positions are suitable for a girl with a high vagina

Vaginal location options

Sexologists have noticed that the vagina of girls can be located at different heights. For some, it is clearly in the center of the perineal zone, for others it is displaced to the anus, and in others - to the pubis. The latter option is called the high position of the vagina. Unofficially, such a vagina is also called "kinglet".

Knowing how the vagina is located is useful for both men and women, so that you can choose the right positions in which the penis does not constantly slip out of the girl's vagina. Choosing an uncomfortable position, partners will be forced to focus on such problems, so the pleasure from the process itself will significantly decrease.

According to statistics, there are not so many girls with a high location of the vagina, only about 4%.

Due to the close location of the vagina to the clitoris, such a structure of the genitals allows the girl to easily get orgasms, although not in all positions. The most suitable positions are when the partners are face to face.

The best poses for the "king"

The most common and simple pose suitable for a girl will be the well-known "missionary" position. The partner lies on her back, legs apart, the partner is on top. There is also a good variation of this pose, which is just perfect for girls with a high vagina: when her legs are shifted, and her partner is on top, with her legs apart. This position is usually liked by both men, since the vagina wraps around the penis more closely, and women, as the clitoris is additionally stimulated.

Any variation of the missionary position is suitable for the partner: with a variety of throwing legs, side walks, and so on, for which the couple has enough imagination.

The "rider" pose is also good, when the woman is on top. If she bends over a little, she may have more fun.

A very interesting pose that suits couples where the partner is much larger than the partner is a ballerina. The man is standing, and the girl seems to be hanging on him. He holds her tightly by the buttocks, and she wraps her legs around him. If the partners are about the same height, then they can have sex while standing, but for convenience it is better for the girl to throw one leg on her partner's hips.

If the vagina is very high, then you can try another interesting position. Partners stand face to face on their knees. This pose is called a closed book.

But what poses are better to exclude: everything in which the partner comes in from behind, especially if he has a large penis. The fact is that even if during sex the partner does not feel unpleasant sensations, then later it may well turn out that erosion has appeared from somewhere.
