Modern doctors believe that a nursing mother should continue to breastfeed her baby even if she has a high fever. This will not only not harm the child, but also help him not to get sick with a viral infection.

Breastfeeding and high fever
When nursing mothers have a fever, they usually begin to worry about the health of their baby. Many are hesitant to continue feeding or replace breast milk with formula for a while.
Modern doctors have come to the unequivocal conclusion that it is possible and necessary to continue feeding, even if the mother has a high fever. An increase in body temperature is an external manifestation of the body's struggle against infection. At this time, a huge amount of antibodies that can resist viruses are released into the blood and breast milk.
A woman begins to fall ill even when outwardly it does not manifest itself in any way, but at the same time she is breastfeeding. Therefore, fears that the disease can be transmitted to the baby are groundless. The infection has already been passed on to the child, but whether he gets sick or not, it will already depend on his immunity. When breastfeeding, the baby receives all the antibodies necessary to protect him from diseases.
If the mother decides to stop feeding, the baby will lose her natural defenses at the most inopportune moment. In addition, it is very harmful for the woman herself. Lack of proper milk flow can lead to a disease such as mastitis. This will only worsen her already dire condition.
Breastfeeding and medications
If the body temperature rises above 38 ° C, the nursing mother needs to take an antipyretic. In this case, not all drugs can be used. The most suitable are paracetamol and Ibuprofen. You can also resort to some traditional methods of lowering the temperature or drink homeopathic granules. Most homeopathic remedies are compatible with breastfeeding.
If the high temperature is a consequence of lactostasis or mastitis, then in this case you need to breastfeed your baby as often as possible. You should constantly offer the baby that breast in which milk stagnation has formed. You can reduce the temperature with the help of approved drugs. Applying compresses of rye flour with honey, as well as cabbage leaves, will help speed up the process of resorption of stagnant formations.
In order not to face such unpleasant diseases in the future, you need to carefully monitor your health, eat right, prevent hypothermia, milk stagnation in the breast, and avoid contact with unhealthy people. A nursing mother can be advised to take special vitamins for pregnant women, as well as drugs that increase immunity.