A high body temperature in a child is a severe stress for parents, especially when it comes to a newborn. Fever can indicate the imperfection of immunity and other body systems. At the same time, the kid is naughty, crying, does not respond to the requests of adults, is lethargic.

Step 1
There are many reasons for the temperature rise. It can be intense physical activity in violation of the normal mechanisms of heat transfer (when the child is very warmly dressed, there is high humidity in the room). Most often, the temperature rises due to the effect on the thermoregulatory center of pyrogens. These include the causative agents of most types of infections - viruses, bacteria and parasites.
Step 2
The high temperature should not be brought down on your own. Drug therapy should be prescribed by a doctor, based on the patient's state of health. But usually they do not recommend giving antipyretic drugs at temperatures below 38, 5 degrees. As a rule, doctors prescribe special medications for children based on paracetamol. When choosing their form, keep in mind that drugs in the form of a syrup act after 20-30 minutes, in candles - after 30-45, but the effect of them is longer. Give all the funds to the child strictly according to the instructions, without exceeding the dosage rate. If the child's temperature reaches 39 degrees, urgently call an ambulance. The arriving doctors will give the baby an antipyretic injection, and, if necessary, will offer hospitalization.
Step 3
Before the arrival of a doctor or for general prevention of a further increase in temperature, a number of measures should be taken. First, the child needs peace. Limit his physical activity, do not allow hysteria, screaming, sorting out the relationship. As a parent, your job is to create a quiet environment. You can arrange a joint reading or watching your favorite cartoons.
Step 4
At elevated body temperatures, the body experiences a large loss of fluid due to rapid breathing and severe sweating. This phenomenon leads to thickening of the blood, and as a consequence, there is a violation of the blood supply to tissues and organs, a decrease in the effectiveness of drugs, and drying out of the mucous membranes. The body loses heat through perspiration. Therefore, the main thing here is to sweat well. In order to have something to sweat, you need to drink plenty of fluids. Good rehydrating agents are Gastrolit, Hydrovit, Rehydron, Rehydrare and other drugs for oral administration. They contain many substances necessary for the body - sodium, chlorine, potassium. You just need to dilute them with boiled water. Instead of medications, you can make tea (black, green, fruit). Add some raspberries, lemon juice, or finely chopped apples to it. Boil raisins, dried apricots or prunes compote. Such a drink will not only be healthy, but also delicious for your baby.
Step 5
It is possible to bring down the temperature a little with the help of rubdowns. By far the best remedy for them is warm water. Undress the child and cover with a thin sheet. You can wipe with a damp cloth or towel dipped in warm water, or with your palm. Pay special attention to the hands, feet, groin folds, elbow and arm folds, neck, face and armpits. To achieve the desired wiping result, spend at least half an hour. An increase in body temperature should indicate to parents that they have a disease. Therefore, they should take this situation seriously and seek help in a timely manner.