White Fever In A Child: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment

White Fever In A Child: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment
White Fever In A Child: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment

Fever is a defensive reaction of a sick organism, which is directed against the causative agent of the infection. Distinguish between "white" and "pink" fever. When "white" occurs vasospasm, leading to chills. Children can hardly tolerate it, so measures should be taken as soon as possible and try to translate the "white" fever into "pink" fever, in which active heat transfer occurs and the risk of overheating is reduced.

White fever in a child
White fever in a child

Causes of "white" fever

The most common cause of high fever in a child is an infectious disease. It includes viral, bacterial, chlamydial, microplasma, fungal and parasitic infections. In temperate and cold climates, these can be acute respiratory ailments, otitis media, bronchitis and pneumonia. And regions with hot climates are characterized by intestinal infections. The causative agents of diseases enter the baby's body through the digestive tract, respiratory and parenteral tract.

"White" fever in a child can be caused by the administration of vaccines, for example, measles, whooping cough, influenza, etc. Fevers of non-infectious genesis are also quite numerous. Chills are observed with rheumatic and allergic ailments, vasculitis, poisoning and oncology.

White Fever Symptoms

The name of the fever accurately reflects the appearance of the baby. The pallor and marbling of the skin immediately catches the eye. Feet and hands are cold to the touch. The lips become bluish. Breathing and heart rate increase. Blood pressure rises. The child complains of chills and cold.

The patient's condition can be apathetic and lethargic, or, conversely, agitated. The child may be delusional. Often, "white" fever is accompanied by febrile seizures.

Treatment for white fever

For the treatment of children with "white" fever, the use of antipyretic and anti-inflammatory drugs is not effective enough to reduce high fever, and sometimes it is completely useless. Such sick babies are prescribed drugs from the phenothiazine group: Pipolfen, Propazin, Diprazin. A single dose is determined by the attending physician. These drugs expand peripheral vessels, reduce the excitability of the nervous system, eliminate microcirculation disorders and increase sweating.

Also, doctors with "white" fever recommend the use of vasodilators. For this, nicotinic acid is prescribed at 0.1 mg per 1 kg of body weight. Paracetamol should be given at the same time. In case of ineffectiveness after taking the drugs twice, an ambulance should be called. Medicines containing paracetamol include Panadol, Tylinol, Calpol. Also, as an antipyretic agent, you can give drugs based on ibuprofen - "Nurofen". The preparations are available in syrups and candles.

Nosh-pa will also help to relieve vasospasm. The baby should be given half a tablet of the medicine and intensively rub the baby's cold extremities. Antipyretic drugs will not work until the spasm has passed. All methods of physical cooling should be avoided: wrapping in cold sheets and rubbing off!
