The amniotic fluid contains nutrients, oxygen, hormones necessary for the development of the fetus, without which its existence in the womb is impossible. Some pregnant women have such a pathology as oligohydramnios.

If the amount of amniotic fluid in the third trimester is less than 1000-1500 ml, then we can talk about the development of oligohydramnios. With moderate low water, this decrease is insignificant, therefore, it is enough for a pregnant woman to establish nutrition and daily regimen, to be under the supervision of a doctor. With severe polyhydramnios, abnormalities in the development of the fetus may appear, so it requires immediate treatment.
Usually oligohydramnios does not manifest itself with any symptoms. Occasionally, pain can be felt when the baby moves in the womb, the size of the abdomen does not correspond to the deadline. An ultrasound scan is required to confirm the diagnosis.
The causes of low water can be insufficient development of the epithelium of the aqueous membrane, fetal malformations, high blood pressure, previous infectious diseases, development of several fetuses, prolonged pregnancy, metabolic disorders, obesity.
Treatment methods for oligohydramnios during pregnancy differ depending on the cause. The doctor prescribes drugs that normalize the activity of the placenta, vitamins, drugs to eliminate the cause of oligohydramnios. Treatment can be carried out at home, subject to a gentle regimen, exclusion of physical activity, and proper nutrition. In case of severe lack of water and the presence of uterine tone, it is necessary to place the pregnant woman in a hospital. It is mandatory to conduct weekly ultrasound examinations, CTG, Doppler ultrasound to monitor pathology. If the fetus is threatened, the doctor may decide on an early birth.