"Why don't men listen?" - this reproach question can often be heard from women. But it is so important for the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity to speak out and receive confirmation that they have been heard and understood.

If we compare the ability to hear, then compared to women, men hear poorly. In addition, it is difficult for them to decipher female voices, because for this you have to use the "audience" part of the brain, which is responsible for the perception of musical compositions. The complexity of the female voice is due to the structure of the larynx and ligaments, as well as the more varied melody of speech. Thus, in a conversation, a man spends much more time deciphering the message of his wife than the words of a friend. Another reason for "male deafness" is the large difference between female and male thought processes. A man, having received information, begins to analyze it. And he does it in silence, while the woman tends to think out loud. Projecting her physiological trait on a partner, a woman begins to think that he did not hear her. Having decided to discuss something important, ladies do not always pay attention to the relevance of the conversation at one time or another. You shouldn't be surprised that a man won't hear if you start talking about your son's grades while demonstrating a very important match for his favorite football team. In some cases, the reason for the men not listening is the wrong tone. The male nature is very strongly opposed to the demonstration of female omniscience and categoricalness. For example, if a spouse starts repeating through the word: “I know better” or “We will act exactly as I said,” her spouse will simply “go deaf” out of contradiction and will do the opposite. What should a woman do to be heard? First, choose the right moment for the conversation. Secondly, to speak without raising your voice and without hysterical notes, which generally turn off men's hearing for a long time. Thirdly, do not put pressure on him, give the man time to think about the problem. And most importantly, if you want to be heard, learn to listen.