Women often complain that men do not know how to listen at all. During the dialogue, they get annoyed, answer inappropriately, interrupt, pass information on deaf ears, or do not understand everything so well. The inability to listen to others is determined by a biological factor and largely depends on upbringing and psychological factors.

Step 1
Women and men have different brain structures. As a rule, women have a more developed left hemisphere, it contains more nerve cells and is more active. For men, the opposite is true. Given that the left hemisphere is responsible for the perception of information by ear, men are naturally less able to hear others.
Step 2
The female brain is designed so that it has more neural connections between both hemispheres. This is directly related to the quality of abilities. For example, many women can easily do several things at the same time, while men focus on one thing. Therefore, if a man is busy with something, it is difficult for him to listen and perceive information.
Step 3
The brain's ability to perceive and process spoken language depends on the amount of the active chemical, dopamine. There is more of this substance in the female brain, so it is easier for women to perceive information by ear. Other studies show that girls 'brains develop faster than boys' brains. Including the areas responsible for hearing and speech. Therefore, from childhood, girls have more developed verbal abilities.
Step 4
From all of the above, it can be seen that at all times, men initially had lower abilities to receive information by ear. Therefore, children in the family see these problems in communication between parents and "absorb" this stereotype of relationships. Girls from childhood get used to the fact that men do not know how to listen to women, and boys begin to consider this phenomenon normal.
Step 5
Part of the problem is that women are emotional creatures, and men are used to relying on facts and logic. Being under the influence of any emotions, women are not able to perceive logical arguments and reckon with facts, therefore it is difficult for them to understand a man. Men, on the other hand, often do not understand a woman's overly emotional speech. It seems to them that in their conversation there are no interconnections, no logic, too many unnecessary words. The male brain, trying to analyze emotional speech, quickly gets tired, tries to omit all unnecessary, gets distracted … As a result, the man “ignored all the information”.
Step 6
Men can and can listen. But in some cases, not all the information that a woman is trying to convey is of interest to the men themselves. Men are not interested in what dresses and shoes she saw in the store, in what her friend was wearing at a party; they are not interested in the plot of a new series or culinary TV show. In the same way that women are not interested in the secrets of fishing, the details of a football match, the characteristics and technical highlights of cars.