The fetus in the womb is surrounded by amniotic fluid, which protects it from external adverse influences, provides nutrients and oxygen, and creates the necessary conditions for development. The influence of poor ecology and nutrition, infections, bad habits of the mother can provoke the development of such a deviation of pregnancy as polyhydramnios.

Normally, at 10 weeks of pregnancy, the amount of amniotic fluid is 30 ml, at 14 - 100 ml, and in the last months before childbirth from 1000 to 1500 ml. If these norms are exceeded, polyhydramnios is diagnosed. Allocate acute and chronic polyhydramnios, its mild and severe degrees.
Symptoms of polyhydramnios can be heaviness in the abdomen, a sharp increase in its size, pain in the lower back and perineum. Often, polyhydramnios is accompanied by an increase in blood pressure, and the baby's heartbeat is poorly audible. Polyhydramnios during pregnancy is diagnosed by ultrasound examination.
The causes of polyhydramnios can be infectious diseases transferred before and during pregnancy, severe chronic diseases (diabetes mellitus, pyelonephritis), Rh-conflict, multiple pregnancy, fetal development pathologies.
For the successful treatment of polyhydramnios, it is necessary to eliminate its cause. For effective diagnosis, ultrasound, CTG, Doppler ultrasound, blood tests diagnosing the presence of intrauterine infections, a smear for STDs are prescribed, with a negative Rh factor, blood is donated for antibodies.
If polyhydramnios does not give serious complications for the course of pregnancy, then treatment can be carried out on an outpatient basis. A woman is prescribed diuretics, vitamins, and, if necessary, antibiotics; in the third trimester, pregnant women are often recommended to take indomethacin.
With the transition of polyhydramnios to a severe degree and the presence of problems in the development of the fetus associated with polyhydramnios, delivery can be carried out ahead of schedule. In the early stages, if premature birth is impossible, release of amniotic fluid is prescribed.