The G-spot, or the Grafenberg point, is the biggest mystery of the female body. Stimulating this zone produces the most powerful orgasms. And it is she who is responsible for one very rare phenomenon - jet orgasm. This point was discovered in 1944, but its location is still disputed, and some even doubt its existence.

Where and how to find the mysterious G-spot
The G-spot ("ji") is a small seal. Presumably, it is located on the front wall of the vagina, 2-3 centimeters from the entrance. The exact location of her is purely individual for each lady, however, in order to find her, it is not necessary to go to an appointment with a gynecologist.
The woman herself is able to grope this innermost area with her fingers or intimate objects. The main thing here is not to slip through the desired point, for this it is necessary to control the depth to which the object is inserted into the vagina. To irritate the area, you can simply stroke it or lightly press it. It is important that the impact is gentle but tangible.
Special balls for sex play, a dildo or vibrator are fine. They are sold in specialty stores and come in a variety of shapes. The material is most often silicone or rubber.
A man can also help his beloved find the cherished area of her body, it will be easier for a partner to find the G-spot with his fingers or his genitals. However, some acrobats claim that they can reach it with their tongue during cunnilingus. The posture in search of this point is of great importance. It is best to do the manipulations while squatting, while the point is located slightly closer to the exit and it becomes easier to find it. A man can feel it with his fingertips and, by the reaction of his partner, determine with what force and intensity to influence this area.
How to make an orgasm brighter
When this zone is stimulated, a strong arousal appears at first, which, according to descriptions, is much stronger than when acting on the clitoris. More active excitement of the G zone gives the woman more and more pleasure, and after a while an orgasm is achieved, the brightness of which may depend on several factors.
The most vivid and full-fledged orgasm happens when the G-spot is stimulated by the male penis. This affects both the physiological and psychological components of orgasm. The shape of the penis or vibrator is also important. A slight curvature towards the anterior wall of the vagina will be a big plus, but fantastic sensations can be achieved even with a perfectly flat penis.
According to statistics, 90% of men have congenital curvature of the penis, it can be pronounced or barely noticeable. Perfectly even forms are much less common.
A little foreplay before intercourse will prepare the female body for pleasure. Depending on the individual characteristics of the woman, it is recommended to stimulate the anus or clitoris just before the insertion of the penis into the vagina. In this case, the woman will experience more powerful sensations.