Of course, it's a shame when a loved one doesn't hear you or doesn't want to hear you. But this is not a reason to believe that a man does not love you. He just thinks and perceives everything differently than you. Most of the stronger sex are focused on facts and solving specific problems. Women are more emotional and impatient. To make your requests and questions reach the addressee faster, try to present information clearly, concisely and clearly.

Take your time with conversations
Do you constantly talk with your husband in fits and starts: in the car, on the way to the store, at breakfast before work? This time is too short for you to be heard and understood by your husband as you expect.
If you are having a serious conversation, wait for the right moment. In an atmosphere conducive to conversation, tell your spouse about what worries you now in life or strains you in family relationships. Next, ask for advice or offer to work together to find a solution to the problem. It is important to end the conversation on a positive note: remember the joyful moments, talk about your plans for vacations and holidays.
Get your husband interested
Do you want your husband to treat your personal or joint affairs, problems, desires with great understanding? Don't be straightforward in your expectations. For example, instead of the harsh "I want to hear your opinion right now!" mention in the conversation the point of view of another man: "But my brother claims that …" And you will see, the spouse suddenly has something to say on this issue. And then gently move the arrows to whatever interests you.
Have an endurance
My husband had a hard day, and you want to tell him everything right out of the box? Are you waiting for participation, but he eats his dinner and is silent? Do not rush to pounce on the faithful with questions and problems - he, unlike you, needs time to catch his breath and switch to a home environment. Give him this opportunity, and after a while, unobtrusively return to the topic of interest to you or ask a sore question. Now you will surely be heard by your husband.
Avoid hints
Statements like "The long-awaited film will be released tomorrow …" or "Why do you never call me when you leave work?" better to avoid. They are likely, as they say, to fly into one ear and fly out into the other. Tell your husband directly that you really want to go to the cinema with him for a certain movie tomorrow, ask him to call you when he goes home so that you have time to cook dinner. The more concretely you formulate your thoughts and desires, the less misunderstanding will be. And so that your spouse does not perceive your calls and questions as control and jealousy, tell them that you are just bored and want to spend more time with him.