Few people enjoy repeating their words over and over again, fighting the feeling of not being heard or even trying to hear them. It is unacceptable when this happens in a family, because each member must respect the other and listen to him.

How to start a conversation so your husband pays attention to what you say
It is important for a woman to be able to make her spouse concentrate on the topic of conversation. Often he perceives his wife's words as a background noise, absolutely not listening to their meaning. Perhaps the wife herself is partly to blame for such a reaction, since she is used to talking about all sorts of nonsense. But in this case, you need to somehow distinguish between female "chirping" and serious topics.
If an important conversation begins abruptly and in a raised voice, the husband, of course, will listen to your words, but a constructive dialogue may not work out. Try to warn in advance about an upcoming important conversation, it can be any introductory phrase, for example: "You are not busy right now, can we talk?" Thus, you will not only attract the attention of your husband, but also make it clear that his opinion on this issue is not indifferent to you.
How to conduct a conversation so that your husband understands the importance of your words
Throughout the conversation, if you emphasize asking for help and advice, this will contribute to better concentration of your husband's attention. The interlocutor will be flattered by your trust and will try to delve into the topic of conversation with all responsibility and cheerfully approach the solution of the problem.
Learn to communicate important points as accurately, clearly, and concisely as possible. The more extensively you explain, the more difficult it will be for your husband to grasp the essence of your story and focus on the conversation. Do not use vague phrases and do not use hints. If your manner of speaking seems clear to you, this does not mean that it is also clear to the interlocutors. The husband can get it wrong or just ignore it.
Try to speak calmly and without unnecessary emotions. A calm conversation is better remembered and absorbed. If you need to convince your husband of something, try to think over all the arguments and facts in advance. An objective point of view without unnecessary emotions and with a good evidence base will help you completely grab your husband's attention.
Maintain a clear logical flow and do not jump from topic to topic. Don't drag out the conversation and try to keep within 7-15 minutes. If the discussion goes on for too long, you both can forget what you said at the very beginning, lose the thread of reasoning. Respect your interlocutor. If your husband speaks, don't interrupt and listen. When both interlocutors speak at the same time, neither of them hears or tries to understand the other.
How to end a conversation so that your husband will continue to listen to you
Let your husband think about what you said. If the conversation was serious, it can take a long time. Do not rush your spouse or demand an answer immediately. At the end of the conversation, you can carefully ask a security question to make sure he listened to you. If it turns out that the interlocutor really missed something and listened, do not be indignant, but calmly re-voice the thought he missed.