Who Is Metroseual

Who Is Metroseual
Who Is Metroseual

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The word "metrosexual" is not familiar to everyone. This is a neologism, that is, a completely new concept invented by journalists in the mid-1990s. It means the same thing that used to be called the words "dandy" or "dandy".

What does a metrosexual look like?
What does a metrosexual look like?


Step 1

A metrosexual is a man for whom how he looks is very important. Such guys dress tastefully, follow the latest fashion, go to spas and pay a lot of attention to their appearance. Many people believe that metrosexuals are necessarily gay. But, in fact, they can be guys of any orientation.

Step 2

Metrosexuals are a product of the urban environment. The journalist Mark Simpson, who invented the word, believed that the desire to take care of themselves is inherent in the inhabitants of megacities. There are all the conditions for this, and, besides, there is no pressure from the conservative environment, which is in the villages. Later, some reporters coined the word "retrosexual" as a counterweight - this is a man who is the living embodiment of a "real man." Slightly combed, possibly with stale stubble and a mix of clothes.

Step 3

Men, as a rule, do not like these guys very much. And women accept much better. After all, you can talk with them about fashion trends, the latest fashion shows, the quality of cosmetics and other things. An important feature of metrosexuals is narcissism, narcissism. So an unpleasant moment in communicating with them may be that they will constantly pull the blanket over themselves in discussions. And we will have to talk mainly about his problems and feelings. But with a metrosexual, there is always a chance to get to the most anticipated fashion show, a concert popular in a secular get-together, or a spa presentation. Such men are very fond of showing themselves and seeing others. They can be great party companions. At the same time, they will help you choose an outfit.

Step 4

Despite the fact that some people find it difficult to imagine a modern dandy, there are quite a few of them. In the world of show business, many of the idols of young people can be attributed to them. Johnny Depp, Brad Pitt, David Beckham … Perhaps the coolest megastars popular among women are metrosexuals. Against their background, Vin Diesel, Arnold Schwarzenegger or Sylvester Stallone look like real retrosexuals. But they are also popular, mostly only among men.

Step 5

If a guy who is passionate about his appearance is not gay, then he is attracted to special women. They should be beauties, impeccable in their attractiveness, well-groomed, tastefully dressed. No wonder the wife of David Beckham Victoria went into the fashion business after the wedding. Her personal style has changed markedly for the better since then. And Brad Pitt lives with one of the most beautiful actresses in Hollywood: Angelina Jolie. Metrosexuals are very sweet and courteous with many women, easily captivating ladies of all ages and sizes. But, as a rule, “Miss Perfection” is chosen as a friend of life.