Engagement is a beautiful ancient tradition, partially preserved to this day. A marriage proposal, a meeting between parents, a festive feast is a common scenario for an engagement day in today's life.

Engagement rite in history
In Russia, the engagement was called mating, conspiracy, pre-wedding. The expression "to get engaged" meant to agree, to come to an agreement. In the Bible, engagement is called engagement. This ancient rite is rooted in the Old Testament and means a preliminary agreement between the lovers and their parents about the upcoming wedding.
From the day of the engagement, it is customary to call a man and a woman the bride and groom.
On this day, the guy presented his girlfriend with a ring and offered to marry. If she returned the gift back to the owner, this meant that a negative answer was given, but if she accepted, then the young went to their parents to ask for their blessing. The fathers of the guy and the girl performed the rite of arms, and after it, the agreement could be terminated only by paying a large sum of ransoms for the humiliation and shame inflicted on the family.
The wedding ring is a symbol of the groom's serious intentions. According to Russian customs, it is worn on the ring finger of the right hand along with the wedding and wedding.
The wealthy strata of the population arranged large receptions with dances and numerous meals on the occasion of the engagement. In the midst of the holiday, the groom made an offer and found out the answer of his beloved.
Engagement today
In today's life, not all couples observe the betrothal ceremony. And there are at least two views on him. Some consider the day of filing an application to the registry office as an engagement. Then there is a notification of friends and acquaintances. Relatives usually find out in advance about the upcoming event.
In the second case, the engagement is the day when the guy proposes to the girl, and having secured her consent, the couple informs their relatives about their intention to get married. If their parents did not have time to get to know each other before this moment, then a joint feast is arranged on the day of the engagement. At the same time, the reception on such an occasion is traditionally arranged by the bride's family.
From the moment the engagement is announced to the day of the wedding ceremony, it usually takes from 3 months to six months. It happens that the term is reduced, but it is undesirable to increase it. It is believed that one of the lovers may change his mind to take such a serious step - to enter into an official marriage.
It's much easier to break off an engagement now than in the past. It does not imply any obligations, except for moral ones.
During the time from the engagement to the wedding day, the relatives of the future newlyweds discuss organizational and material issues, conduct preparatory activities, and invite guests. Many wealthy and famous people make engagement announcements in the media - on television, in newspapers.