In a relationship between two loving people, the question of living together and getting married sometime arises. To make everything look like in the most romantic movie, the young man proposes to the girl, getting down on one knee and holding the coveted velvet box with a ring in front of her. Although the engagement is now not perceived as in the old days, the tradition of presenting the ring remains. To choose the right engagement ring, the groom needs to adhere to several rules.

Step 1
When organizing an engagement, a young man should immediately think about the budget that can be counted on when buying a ring. If abroad, where weddings are held at an older age, it is customary to spend about 2-3 monthly earnings on an engagement ring, then in Russia such a tradition has not yet taken root. Depending on the available funds, you can purchase either an exclusive ring to order, or a ring with a large and expensive diamond or other precious stone, or save money by choosing a ring with a large, but not the highest quality diamond, or with small stones, but with their high characteristics. In some families, it is customary to present old heirlooms - original relics that are inherited.
Step 2
When choosing a ring, one of the most important criteria is its material. Although it has historically been a tradition that the engagement ring should be made of gold, this is not the only option and even there are nuances. The pink shade of gold jewelry is obtained after adding copper to the alloy, white - nickel or palladium, and if palladium is considered a hypoallergenic material, then nickel can irritate the skin. Those who do not wear at all or simply do not like gold jewelry can be offered silver or platinum rings. Platinum items are more expensive than gold items, but they have a dirty gray tint. Young people now prefer unusual materials, such as titanium. For special themed engagements, plastic or wire rings can be presented.
Step 3
Another important criterion when choosing a ring is considering the taste and style of the bride. It is necessary to clarify in advance what kind of jewelry the second half usually wears: what shade of gold or gold in general, what stones, their size and shape are present in her jewelry, the exclusivity of her clothes and accessories. To please your girlfriend is much more important than to shock everyone you know with the size and clarity of the diamond.
Step 4
If a young man chooses the traditional version of a diamond engagement ring, it is important to evaluate all the characteristics of precious stones in the jewelry. The external beauty and brilliance of diamonds, which girls value so much, depend mainly on the quality of the cut. The better the cut, the better the light refracts and reflects through its edges, which makes it sparkling. Also important is the color of the diamond, which is determined by the inclusion of atoms of various elements. The most expensive is considered to be a completely transparent stone. Another criterion when choosing diamonds is the clarity of the stone, which depends on the presence or absence of small cracks or inclusions. They are not visible to the naked eye, moreover, by their presence, the natural origin of the diamond is determined, but nevertheless there should not be too many of them so that the strength of the stone will suffer. When choosing a ring, the carat weight of the stone is also important, which, like other characteristics, affects its value.
Step 5
Usually, an engagement and an offer for a girl is a surprise, and therefore one should forget about a joint trip to jewelry stores. But at the same time, the size of the bride's finger needs to be known somehow. You can ask her relative or friend about it in secret, or you can find out on your own. If a girl wears a ring on her ring finger, you can take it while visiting a jewelry store. If she wears it all the time, you can simply circle it from the inside on a piece of paper and go to the salon with it. You can also try it on your finger and see to what mark it will fit freely, and in the store determine the size of the desired ring.
Step 6
It is better to buy a ring in a specialized store, which provides all the necessary certificates and offers a large selection of high-quality jewelry. At the same time, popular jewelry chains do not guarantee the uniqueness or exclusivity of the offered jewelry. You can order a ring of your own design directly at the manufacturing plant or through an intermediary firm, but it should be borne in mind that production will take some time from 2 weeks to a month.