Matchmaking is one of the oldest rituals in Russia. The groom asks permission from the bride's parents to marry her. The ceremony takes place with the participation of the groom's closest relatives.

Step 1
The matchmaking never took place on Wednesday or Friday. These days were considered unfavorable. On the contrary, odd days of the month were ideal for this event. The groom and his retinue usually went to the bride's house after sunset to avoid the evil eye. On the way to the house, the matchmakers, as a rule, did not speak to anyone. Before knocking, touched the jamb. In the house, the conversation always starts from afar.
Step 2
As the custom says, touching wooden objects brings success, so the groom and his escort certainly did it. Often the groom did not see the bride before the wedding, so if the bride's parents agreed, then immediately there was a conversation about the appointment of the day for the bride's show. It also happened that the matchmakers and the groom had to visit the bride's house several times in order to obtain the consent of her parents.
Step 3
Now these customs are outdated. But the groom must come to the bride's house and ask her parents for her hand and receive their blessing for the marriage. The visit of the matchmakers and the groom should not take too long. If the matchmaking ended successfully, then the parties, as a rule, agree on the announcement of the engagement and decide the issues of the upcoming wedding.