If in your life there was a betrayal of a loved one, do not rush to destroy the relationship. In some situations, betrayal can be forgiven, and a loved one who made a mistake can be returned to a harmonious relationship.

Step 1
First of all, if you find that a man has cheated on you, do not panic or throw tantrums. This repels men even more.
Step 2
Understand what made the man change. The reasons may lie in his dissatisfaction with you personally and how much your life together has changed.
Step 3
Take a self-critical approach. Think about whether you need to change something in yourself?
Step 4
If you understand that a man has changed not because he has an identity crisis, but simply because he seriously fell in love with another and wants to start a family with her - be strong and let him go, this will be the best way out.
Step 5
In any case, you need to talk seriously and without tantrums with your man. It is possible that in the course of the conversation he will lay out all the claims to you, you will form a number of agreements and begin to restore relations.
Step 6
Listen to each other, satisfy each other's needs, establish common common interests.
Step 7
Be sincere and attentive to your partner - he will not want to leave you for another who, perhaps, will not show the same sincerity and understanding towards him. Don't give up on intimacy with your partner - he needs confirmation that he should stay with you.
Step 8
Also, the way out can be a joint trip to a family psychologist, who will objectively help to put all aspects of your relationship in place and cope with the crisis.
Step 9
If you have withstood the test of betrayal and your partner, having figured out yourself, stayed with you, it is quite possible that this will further strengthen your relationship and support their long-term course.