Everyone wants to be sexy, but not everyone succeeds. Some girls are complex about their appearance, others - consider themselves uninteresting in communication. How to become the sex bomb that all the men around you want? Let's see what constitutes female sexuality?

Step 1
Who, then, will love a person, if even he himself is not able to love himself? You must believe in your beauty, sexuality and attractiveness. Every woman has her own charm, her own zest. Identify what sets you apart from others, and constantly emphasize that.
Step 2
An important step will be to create your own unique style, image and constant adherence to it. This includes the right makeup, hairstyle, style of dress, and manner of communication. All these elements should complement each other harmoniously. At this stage, you may need to contact specialists, but you can create an image yourself by contacting fashion magazines. But not everything can be thought up on your own. For example, in order to make a haircut suitable for a new image, in any case, you will have to go to a beauty salon.
Step 3
Clothes should highlight your dignity. However, the opinion that the less clothes a woman wears, the sexier she is, is wrong. On the contrary, a woman in “closed” clothes acquires an aura of mystery and makes men, literally, undress her with their eyes.
Step 4
The next step can be the setting of the gait. Don't think that imposing swaying of the hips is sexy. The sexuality of gait (naturally, in heels) consists in a leisurely and confident step with the head held high.
Step 5
But a woman's sexuality is not only about makeup, beautiful hairstyle and other external attributes. A velvety, gentle voice will finally shape your image. You can train at home: speak slowly, pronounce the phrase with an arrangement, making accents and pauses. This will allow you to correctly understand what you said and make you listen to your words.