Many people think that the most important thing in being sexy for a husband is to lose a few pounds. But in fact, this is not so, your husband chose you because you are you, and not a picture from a fashion magazine. Therefore, the most important thing is to remember that you are sexy, and only in this case your husband will also consider you sexy.

It is necessary
- New wardrobe
- Ideas for seducing your husband
Step 1
Beautiful clothes and underwear will easily help your husband to be sexy. Just never ask a man if you look fat in certain clothes. Any insecurity about your appearance makes you less sexy.
Step 2
Wear clothes that fit you well during the day. Wear jeans that are well-cut, not too tight or too wide. Wear blouses that showcase your body shape.
Jeans, sandals with heels, a flattering blouse - simple but sexy. And you will sooner believe in yourself, thanks to the numerous glances of male passers-by.
Step 3
You can become sexy for your husband if you yourself feel sexy. The way you speak, the way you smile, the way you laugh - all this needs to be made sexy. Even if you don't feel like this, just pretend. And you will immediately see how the attitude of your husband and other men will change towards you.
Step 4
Do sexy things. Try doing things that you wouldn't normally do. For example, take a bubble bath with your husband, meet him completely naked after work, or at a restaurant dinner tell him that you are not wearing underwear.
Step 5
To be sexy for your husband, make your home more sexy. Simple things like dim lights, a candlelit dinner, or sitting by the fireplace will have a very exciting effect on both of you and bring back your old passion.