Surely you have come across a girl who, according to your ideas, is especially sexy: her manners, clothes, look do not just hint at sex, they openly seduce, make you go deep into dreams about her. In order for the acquaintance with such a lady to be successful, you need to prepare a little.

Step 1
Take care of your appearance. It is known that a person is greeted by dress, so consider this fact when leaving the house with the intention of meeting a pretty girl. Clean hair, neat clothes, no stubble and "mourning" under the nails - these are the basic rules of hygiene, you should never neglect them. For the rest, rely on your image, be natural, you should not, for example, wear a jacket with a tie for a walk in the park, if you are used to wearing jeans and a polo shirt.
Step 2
See if she's ready to meet. It all depends on the place where you are, the environment and the mood of the girl. Remember that in clubs, bars, parks and other public places, a woman is usually not averse to getting to know each other. If, moreover, she is wearing an outfit that emphasizes the curves of the body, makeup and loose hair - there is a chance that she came here for this. In addition, girls who are ready for new acquaintances usually look around with interest, and do not delve into reading a book. The ability to more accurately determine the mood of girls comes with experience, but for a start, a few indirect signs are enough.
Step 3
Quiet your excitement. Yes, perhaps this lady is special and you are extremely interested in successfully meeting her, but here is the main snag. Fear and self-doubt work against you. You will begin to get lost, mumble, blush and turn pale, or you will not approach the beauty at all, missing your chance. Therefore, take a deep breath several times, feel how the heart returns to its normal rhythm. Reflect on the situation: what is the likelihood of running into rudeness by approaching a pretty woman and starting a simple conversation? Very little. Then take it easy.
Step 4
Think positively. Why should this woman refuse you? There are no objective reasons, girls, just like young men, for the most part want new acquaintances and relationships, which means that you need to tune in to victory. Consider if a runner who doubts himself at the start can come to the finish line first. No. Be in the mood for success and you will succeed.
Step 5
Catch her eye by starting non-verbal communication. You can read a few books on this topic in advance to be prepared in this regard. Look at the girl until she pays attention to you, and then lightly smile and look away. Avoid vulgar innuendos such as eye-to-eye, lip-licking, and more. For most girls, this makes a repulsive impression.
Step 6
Start a conversation. After several glances, if you feel that the girl does not mind dating, ask her something. It is not necessary to be extremely original, but it is advisable to avoid absolutely banal topics. A good option for meeting a sexy girl is to start a conversation about her appearance (you have to think that a lot of attention is paid to the latter, otherwise she would not be so good). Tell the lady how her outfit will face her, or better yet, that she has an excellent posture, like a professional ballroom dancer. Very few people will be able to ignore such a beginning of a conversation.
Step 7
Smile. This will allow you to relax and give the impression of a friendly conversation partner. This is a common truth, but sometimes, at the most crucial moment, it flies out of my head. Praise her smile in some context, for example, by saying that she is so radiant that she brings joy to your soul (just don't lie, insincerity will be quickly exposed). Emphasize the exclusivity of the girl, it's always nice.
Step 8
Get a feel for a mutually interesting topic. Ask about her and talk about yourself, discuss some news in the world. Do you still like this girl and still want to chat? Everything is going great. Take a moment to suggest a continuation of the acquaintance (make an appointment or ask for a phone number), otherwise you risk that your conversation will turn into a fleeting meeting.
Step 9
If at some stage you have failed: the girl showed no interest, was rude or did not agree to exchange contacts - this is not a reason to be upset. Maybe the problem is not with you, but with her. Treat what happened as an invaluable experience. After all, it is impossible to buy and deduct it from the Internet. Be proud that you did take a step, and tune in to a new acquaintance.