Raising a husband is just as important as raising children. This is not an easy and very delicate matter, because retraining an adult is much more difficult than a child. And before you get the husband you dreamed of, it will take many years of exhausting training. Fortunately, there is a set of rules for raising a husband. By following these rules, you will ensure that your chosen one will grow up to be an intelligent, wealthy and obedient head of the family.

Step 1
Start raising your husband before marriage. Smart women from the very first days of acquaintance begin to educate their future spouse. Warm up ambition and masculine pride by channeling them in the right direction for you. Act like this: “I'm proud of you! You are the smartest and most talented! You will achieve everything if you can use your abilities correctly."
Step 2
Do not forget that, no matter how trite, but the way to a man's heart is through his stomach.
Feed your husband deliciously, and he will never leave for another. Do not follow the advice of your friends, they say, "you spoil him, he will manage with dumplings." Feed semi-finished products - be prepared to lose your husband.
Step 3
Never make scandals and tantrums. Remember, men physically suffer from women's tears, and tears can be used to achieve their goals very rarely, like the strongest antibiotics.
Step 4
Live with your husband as a first date. Always be mysterious and attractive, respect his interests and thoughts.
Step 5
Use tools such as love, sincerity, understanding, and patience in raising your husband.
Step 6
Leave your spouse free to make decisions. Do not lead your husband, but only push him in the right direction.
Step 7
Tell your husband that you love him and he will move mountains for you.
Step 8
And remember that even the most wonderful man can be turned into a loser by scandals, tantrums and unfounded claims. Be wise and tactful and you will succeed.