Many women are afraid of being rejected. They perceive any change in a man's behavior suspiciously. This has a certain meaning, since according to some signs, one can understand that love has passed. If you react in time, you can try to save the relationship.

Relationships between a man and a woman change and develop over time. Sometimes it happens that the partner ceases to feel passion, love fades away. There is a certain behavioral style that allows you to determine that a loved one has stopped loving or is very close to it. Psychologists identify a number of signs that cannot be ignored.
The first alarming "bell" to which you should pay attention is the appearance of indifference in a relationship. If a man has stopped loving, he is no longer interested in how his wife or girlfriend spent the day, what is new for her. The partner may forget to congratulate you on your birthday, on the date of your wedding. Any woman can feel such coldness. Many immediately try to sort things out and, if a man says that everything is fine, they calm down. In fact, such words cannot be taken seriously. Often men do not realize that love has come to an end, and therefore deny the obvious.

If a man no longer feels in love, he is often irritated in the presence of his girlfriend or wife, and is almost always in a bad mood. A loving person almost does not notice the shortcomings of the object of his love or closes his eyes to them. When feelings pass, everything in your partner starts to irritate. A man can get very angry because of dishes that were not washed on time, or because of other everyday problems. If he began to ridicule a woman's shortcomings, blame her for her weaknesses, devalue her achievements, this is a very disturbing call. A man simply does not feel love and periodically breaks down over trifles.

When love passes, the partner may begin to be ashamed of his wife, her society begins to weigh him down. Irritability is a defensive response. It manifests itself especially strongly if there is no way to disperse, break family ties. If a man stops loving, lightness always leaves the relationship. What used to cause a smile, laughter, begins to anger.
Reluctance to help
A loving man enthusiastically fulfills any assignments of his chosen one. When feelings go away, the desire to help and support disappears. The requests of a wife or girlfriend begin to irritate. It feels very good, but women do not always associate such behavior with the extinction of love. They just try to ask a man about anything less often, they put a lot on their fragile shoulders.
A man who does not love is often rude and loses his temper. He no longer sees himself with his partner, so he does not take into account her opinion. When a partner realizes that he wants to end the relationship, but cannot do it at the moment, he can become aggressive. Sometimes men provoke a scandal in this way so that there is a formal reason to break up. It is impossible to react to such provocations. But it is also not worth keeping silent in such a situation. It is better to talk calmly and without unnecessary emotions with your partner and explain that aggression in a relationship is not acceptable.

Sexual problems
If a man no longer loves, problems in sex life will not keep you waiting. In this case, the partner begins to avoid physical contact. The quality of intimacy decreases markedly. When sex is absent for a long period of time, it is likely that the man has a different relationship. There are situations when he is tired or feels a lack of strength from the stress he has endured, but such cases cannot be repeated over and over again.
If love fades away, the man ceases to reckon with the opinion of his soul mate. From the outside it may seem that he is only interested in himself and what is happening to him. When deciding important issues, he does not even think to consult with his wife or girlfriend. Often men actively demonstrate their superiority and do not even think to smooth over the situation. This is a sure sign that the relationship has become obsolete.
Lack of desire to be together
When a man is in love, he wants to spend as much time as possible with his beloved. In the "candy-bouquet" period, this is felt very well. One gets the impression that a man is always not enough of his chosen one. Over time, the passion fades a little, but if love is alive, partners are still interested in each other. A loving husband happily hurries home. When there are almost no feelings left, he lingers at work, spends more time with friends, at home he asks not to bother him, since it was a hard day.

If such cases begin to recur more and more often, you need to sound the alarm. Sometimes it is enough to draw the right conclusions and change behavior to return a man's interest.