If you are shy or afraid to speak directly about your feelings, write a letter. Perhaps it will remain unsent, but the very fact that you were still able to confess your love may be able to bring you a little closer to the addressee.

Step 1
Before you start writing a letter about your feelings, understand them. Consider if this is really love or just sympathy. A. Maybe your touching attitude towards this person is dictated by the desire to escape from loneliness. Imagine that the addressee is at the moment next to you, and write about the feelings that his appearance and communication with you (even an imaginary one) evokes in you.
Step 2
Write your letter by hand on plain paper. Hearts and doves looking through the lines of the message look ridiculous. Don't write too much. Focus on the most important thing - on your loved one and your feelings for him.
Step 3
Start your letter with an address by name, adding to it exactly the epithet that most fully reflects your true feelings: "dear", "sweet", "gentle" and a whole series of other words. However, you shouldn't write "favorite" right away, especially if you are writing to him for the first time. You should gradually reveal your feelings in a letter, and not immediately puzzle a person who may not even be aware of your existence. Oddly enough, but in a love letter it is best to use the word "love" as little as possible, so that it does not wear out ahead of time. But, even describing the weather outside the window, you can teach it in such a way that the addressee will understand that you are talking about the most sincere feelings for him.
Step 4
Try not to betray your ardent desire to invariably win the heart of this person: it is up to him to decide how to treat you. Tell us how your feeling was born, how it grew and became stronger, what did you think at the same time, were happy about it or, conversely, were sad. After all, true love usually implies the responsibility of sober people for their actions. And even if the feeling arose spontaneously, at that moment when you were not ready for it, it is better to write about it, and not hide all your difficulties on the way of comprehending love behind general phrases.
Step 5
Do not threaten him or try to provoke pity. It is possible that he will regret you, and over time will try to love you. But the realization that it was you who pushed him to do this can subsequently cause alienation in him. Moreover, if you cheated at first or did not understand your feelings yourself, mistaking a fleeting love for the beginning of love.