Often, even the most sociable and intelligent girls behave stupidly and thoughtlessly in the company of guys. This is because they want too much to make a positive impression. And, of course, everything turns out exactly the opposite.

Step 1
Stop thinking that you want to make a positive impression. Interact with your boyfriend as your bosom friend or sister. Try to treat him more simply, do not exaggerate his importance in your life.
Step 2
Be natural, do not try to appear better, smarter, more beautiful than you really are. Most men like easy-to-communicate women. If you pretend to be a princess, then communication with the young man will soon end.
Step 3
Try to seem more naive and helpless than you really are. Ask a man for small favors, ask his advice. In the end, it will only benefit you. Guys like to seem smarter and stronger. And it is very easy to achieve this if there is a helpless girl nearby.
Step 4
Don't be afraid to deny your boyfriend's requests if their fulfillment limits you in some way. It is unlikely that he will change his plans and make concessions. Do the same. Be free and independent. If you have planned a meeting with your friends for the evening, do not postpone your plans if he asked you to go with him to the dacha or walk his dog.
Step 5
Do not forget to spoil the man at least occasionally. This can be done by complimenting him, preparing his favorite meal, meeting his family. Choose what your friend really likes. In a relationship (friendship and love), you need to learn not only to take, but also to give something in return. Only then will they be harmonious and pleasant for both partners.
Step 6
Don't complain too often. Yes, you may have your own problems, but you don't have to talk about them all the time. You can ask him for help, but you shouldn't complain for hours about work, school and family.
Step 7
Don't command the guy. He is not a dog that will follow all your orders. Learn to see a personality in every man. He should not become your mirror image, otherwise it will not be a relationship, but slavery.