Young people are often embarrassed to come up first, even if they really like the girl. Therefore, you have to take the initiative and use the entire arsenal of female tricks so that the guy finally understands that he has fallen in love.

Step 1
If you want to fall in love with a guy, often catch his eye. Dress stylishly and brightly to make him stand out from the crowd of girls.
Step 2
Ask him for help. Let him solve the problem, fix the chain, carry a heavy bag home. The guy will be glad that you see him as a strong, skillful man, and he will definitely think about why you asked him for the service.
Step 3
Tell your friends that you like a guy. Let them hint to him in conversation that you are interested in him.
Step 4
Be friendly with the guy, take an interest in his affairs, mood. He must see that he is not indifferent to you, then decide to take a step forward.
Step 5
As if accidentally touch the guy with your hand, touch him with your shoulder, hip. Tactile contact is very important, it blurs the boundaries between people, helps to overcome embarrassment.
Step 6
Build your eyes. Guys love it when a woman flirts with them. He will definitely show interest in you and think about how to invite you out on a date.
Step 7
Be open on a date, but don't be too outspoken. The guy, of course, will ask a lot of questions. Some, especially those related to personal life, can be left unanswered. Otherwise, having found out all the information that interests him, the young man will lose interest in you and will not invite you to the next date.
Step 8
Be a sexy kitty, but not too approachable. Men quickly fall in love with women who fuel their basic instinct and support it, but don't throw themselves into bed after their first date. It will be a matter of honor for a guy to get close to you, and he will prove his love in all ways, just to be admitted to the body.
Step 9
Don't let the guy limit his freedom. Men quickly lose interest in women for whom nothing exists except a couple. Chat with friends, take care of yourself, your hobbies. Then the guy will always be interested with you, he will fall in love with an active and independent girl faster.
Step 10
Do not reveal all your secrets to your partner, accept his courtship and encourage expressions of feelings, but do not rush to confess your love yourself. A man should be afraid of losing you, that's when he will fall in love quickly and for a long time.