Friends play an important role in the life of any person. Therefore, it will be useful to establish contact with your man's friends. Then you will not worry that they will take your loved one to a dubious company and turn him against you.

Step 1
Ask your boyfriend to introduce you to his friends. Argument this by the fact that you want to know more about him. If you are determined to make a good impression on these people, prepare carefully for the meeting. It is very important to like it at first sight. So try to look good, be in a good mood. But don't go too far, don't go to the movies in an evening dress.
Step 2
When you meet, try to ask questions, listen more and talk less. This is the best way to sound like a good conversationalist. Don't just ask to keep the conversation going, remember everything you are talking about. This knowledge will be very useful to you in the future. Ask for some interesting stories from your boyfriend's life. This conversation will create a pleasant atmosphere. People do not always remember the details of the conversation, but they are unlikely to forget the impression that the interlocutor left about himself.
Step 3
Find out about their immediate plans. You may be able to spend time together again. Make it clear that you are eager to communicate. This will please not only the people you are trying to achieve, but also your boyfriend. It will also bring you closer together.
Step 4
If you are not very well versed in the hobbies of your new acquaintances, try to find out more about it. With the help of the acquired knowledge, you greatly diversify your joint pastime. The more common areas of conversation you have, the more interesting the communication will be.
Step 5
In your quest to gain the trust of your boyfriend's friends, keep in mind that you are primarily a girl. Always stay feminine. Let your loved one be proud of you. This is very important for men.