Every person has flaws. When a man falls in love, he idealizes his chosen one, not noticing minor flaws. But some female types irritate the stronger sex and such women have serious difficulties in building relationships.

Modern men make rather strict demands on girls. To build relationships, the fair sex needs to pay attention to their behavior. Psychologists have identified several female types that simply annoy men.
Many girls make a mistake when, having barely met a guy, they start asking him for money, hinting at expensive gifts. Wealthy men are very sensitive to such behavior. Such girls annoy them and the desire to communicate further disappears, since it becomes unclear what the companion really needs: money or love.

If there is a desire to build a harmonious relationship, you should not try to shift all your expenses onto a man. It is better to take full responsibility for going to the beauty salon and buying clothes. This advice is especially relevant for the candy-bouquet period. You need to understand that a man at this stage does not owe a woman anything at all.
Girls who love to pretend
Men are annoyed by girls who are constantly trying to pretend they are not. They do not understand why a shy woman should pretend to be a vamp woman, and a woman with character to pretend to be modest and obedient. It looks very ridiculous and funny. The best policy is to be yourself. In this case, the man will not be surprised when the acquaintance develops into something more. Guys are scared off by girls who like to pretend, because they do not know how the chosen one will prove herself in the future, what kind of real she is.
Rude and vulgar
Nobody likes rude and vulgar people. Men bypass them. If a girl is rude, swears, it is not pleasant to communicate with her. Some women are deliberately rude, trying to look more modern, bright. This is a big mistake. Even if some man pays attention, it will be dictated by the desire to find a more affordable option for a fleeting hobby.
It is possible and necessary to love and accept yourself with your shortcomings and advantages. But this does not negate a sober look at your character and appearance. Men are very annoyed when girls try to talk about their own beauty, uniqueness at every step, emphasize this at every opportunity. The habit of speaking down to others is even more repulsive. In this case, only one desire arises - to put the arrogant person in place.
Pathological jealous women
Men are annoyed by pathological jealousies. Women who become jealous before they have built a strong relationship are repulsive. You should not take the chosen one as your property and throw scandals over him about every careless glance to the side. This will not lead to anything good.

It is impossible to be around for a long time with bored women. They lecture all the time, criticize slightly. No one wants to listen to lectures on the benefits of vegetarianism or urine therapy. If you want to please a guy, and not make him angry, do not dwell on the same topics or constantly be in a gloomy mood.
Victims of fashion and plastic surgery
Most men want to see a tastefully dressed woman with pleasant but natural features next to them. The girls' craze for plastic surgery is not to everyone's liking. Men do not understand why you need to blindly follow fashion trends and wear something that categorically does not fit. Women who are constantly trying to change something in themselves scare off the opposite sex and cause a feeling of rejection.
Too persistent
Men love freedom. Girls who dial a lover's number a hundred times a day are annoying. Constant questions about where the chosen one was and with whom, what he did, when he called the next time, where he would take him on a date, infuriate men. If a woman behaves this way, she will most likely be left alone.

To find harmony in a relationship, you need to give a man the opportunity to prove himself and not show excessive persistence. The desire to dot the i's must be fought. If the chosen one asked for a phone number and asked for a date, this is not yet a reason to try to find out how he feels about marriage.