Uncomfortable shoes are often the cause of calluses and calluses. They cause a lot of problems: painful sensations when walking, the development of various inflammations, etc.

Prepare a cup of warm water. Add a pinch of baking soda and mild soap to it, submerge your feet in the pelvis and relax for 10-15 minutes. Add hot water so that it is pleasant to your skin.
Steam your feet, then rinse them with clean warm water, dry them with a towel and brush with a nourishing cream. Massage your feet lightly. After 10 minutes, remove the remaining cream with a tissue. Add mint to the water, it will have a soothing effect on your irritated feet and relieve itching.
If you have a mild, light callus, rub your feet while you soak with a pumice stone. After they dry, put a special adhesive on them. Repeat this procedure several times until the callus disappears.
If you rub your feet between your toes, anoint them with cream at night, and sprinkle with powder for the day. If the corn is watery, you cannot use the powder, wait for it to heal by itself.
There is an effective way to deal with calluses. To do this, mix propolis with any fat and apply this mixture to the grated areas. You can make a crumb compress by moistening it with 9% vinegar. Apply this compress overnight to the rubbed area, fixing with a plaster or bandage.
Foot care should be regular, do daily foot baths, they will help get rid of calluses, fatigue and improve blood circulation. And the use of nourishing creams will make the skin on the legs soft and soft.
Apply a plantain leaf to fresh corn - it has healing and bactericidal properties, or apply a cream based on it. If a wound has formed on the site of the callus, use ointments such as "Levomekol", "Solcoseryl" and others for its early healing. If the callus is dry, use "Salipod" - a plaster to solve such problems.