This question remains a burning issue for women of all ages. And for many, and rhetorical … Indeed, at all times women have come up with all sorts of tricks, strategies, tactics of behavior in order to become ideal for one single man. The one for which he will move mountains, build sky-high castles, grow tree gardens and raise wonderful children.

Women are looking for their ideal. But, according to the law of balance, ideal men want to see ideal women next to them. And, unfortunately, women in schools and universities are not taught how to achieve inner and outer perfection. How to become one and only for life for your chosen one. But women are told every day that they must be strong, independent, confidently defend their point of view. Women are taught to be rivals of men, to compete with them, to be on a par with them.
However, this feminist tactic of behavior is not at all what men want to see in a woman. The representative of the strong half of humanity wants to be a support for a woman, a protector, wants to protect her from hardships and troubles. A man does not want to be a partner, comrade, friend, or just an interlocutor for a woman. For this, he has a circle of close male friends.
Therefore, every woman should know the true, basic needs of a man, what he really wants to get from a woman, connecting his fate with her. In reality, there are not so many such needs for men. First of all, this is the desire of a man to be strong, to feel strong, capable of protecting his chosen one. Every man strives to become the head of the family, to make important decisions. His word should be the last and decisive in any issue. After all, you must admit that cases when women make decisions for men without asking his opinion or even telling him about the problem are not uncommon. Women shoulder the burden of family life on their own shoulders. And then they ask themselves why the chosen one does not help in life, why he took a passive position in the relationship.
Only in the process of studying a man you like, identifying his basic needs, concepts and accepting them, is it possible to build a really strong and long relationship. Any woman, first of all, should remain herself, be a woman, act like a woman! It is to such ideal women that those same “princes on a white horse”, those ideal men, are drawn.