How To Wean A Baby From A Nipple

How To Wean A Baby From A Nipple
How To Wean A Baby From A Nipple

For newborn babies, the dummy is considered the main soothing subject, because the sucking reflex is the only process that the baby is able to carry out even before birth. With growing up, there comes a moment when the child needs to wean from the nipple. Mothers have their own reasons for this, but whatever they may be, a woman should be prepared for the fact that this process requires a lot of nerves and time.

How to wean a baby from a nipple
How to wean a baby from a nipple

Rules for weaning a baby from a nipple

When weaning from a pacifier, do not give the baby a pacifier as soon as crying is heard. It is important to learn how to calm your child in any other way, for example, distracting his attention, carrying him in your arms or just playing with him. Most likely, the baby will not be able to calm down immediately, but there is no need to instantly give up and give him a dummy. It is also important to try to prevent the baby from sucking on the pacifier unnecessarily. In the process of weaning, the nipple is given to the child only in a situation of extreme necessity - if the child is scared or does not feel well.

Positive emotions are especially helpful when weaning a baby from a pacifier. For this, it is advisable that the baby was in the company of peers, so that they could play together and try to find a common language. Thus, the need for sucking can be eliminated.

For a child to quickly wean from a dummy, it is important to move only forward. In all actions of the parents, consistency, gentleness and a little perseverance should be visible. Sometimes a mother, unable to withstand the night's tantrums and screams of the child, gives him a dummy, but this is wrong. Not the slightest indulgence is recommended not only for the baby, but also for yourself.

In the process of weaning from the nipple, it is important not to shame or offend the baby. It can traumatize his psyche.

Original methods of getting rid of the nipple

There is also a tricky option for weaning from the nipple. While the baby does not see, you can cut the dummy. Thus, the child will no longer be able to use it, and at the same time the mother must say that the nipple is spoiled and not suitable for use. Due to the fact that the baby does not yet understand that it is possible to purchase a new pacifier, he will not beg for it, and this technique will work.

You can also arrange a small party for your child to celebrate the dummy rejection. To do this, you will have to purchase some kind of gift for the baby, which can be given in exchange for a pacifier. You need to choose a date for the celebration in advance. At the same time, it is important not to forget that young children have a completely different temporal perception and even "tomorrow" they will wait a long time.

You can also create some interesting fairy tale, for example, about a fluffy wolf, which needs a dummy for his little wolf cub. A child will definitely want to give his pacifier to a fairy-tale hero, and thus you can wean him from a pacifier.
