Mass gatherings, celebrations and city sports can be dangerous for young parents because children are easily distracted, take a few steps to the side, and get lost in the crowd. Fortunately, there are rules, the implementation of which significantly reduces the risk of losing a child in a crowd.

What a child should know
Even young children need to know the names of their parents and where they live. In one of the pockets of children's clothes, you can put a business card or just a piece of paper with the address and phone numbers of the parents. Younger schoolchildren are now actively using cell phones. Make sure the child has immediate family numbers in speed dial. You can also arrange a meeting with older children at a designated place.
Be sure to explain to your child that if he is lost, then he needs to stay in place, and not go in search of parents. Psychologists advise teaching a very young child to sit on the floor and call their parents. This behavior is natural for a lost toddler.
It is very important to teach your child not to trust strangers. The child should respond to the attempts of a stranger to take him somewhere with a refusal and a loudly repeated phrase: “You are a stranger! Help! . Thus, bystanders will pay attention to what is happening and come to the aid of the baby.
How parents should behave
For attending public events, it is better to dress the child in bright colors. This will make it easier to spot in the crowd. If there are a lot of people, lead the child in front of you or hold his hand at all times. Before leaving the house, be sure to take a photo of the child already dressed for a walk on your phone. It will be easier for passers-by to recognize your baby by such a picture.
If the child is lost, look around carefully. Do not panic. Move in the direction of the child's possible movement by showing passers-by his photo on the phone and asking if they have seen him. If you notice a child in the crowd, do not call him, but quickly go to him. As a rule, at mass festivities it is noisy, and your child will either not hear your cry or will not determine the source of the sound and will run away again.
If you have lost your baby at the stadium, shopping and entertainment center or public park, be sure to contact the administration. The staff should help you by announcing the missing child over the speakerphone. If the institution has video surveillance cameras, security guards can use them to find your baby and track his movements.
On the street, do not hesitate to ask the nearest police officer. Try to explain your situation to him as accurately as possible, show the photo of the lost child. The policeman must communicate by radio with his colleagues, who are also patrolling the place of mass gathering of citizens, and then the chances of success in finding the baby will increase significantly.