What A Newborn Needs In Winter

What A Newborn Needs In Winter
What A Newborn Needs In Winter

In newborns, the thermoregulation system is imperfect. Therefore, it is important in cold weather to dress the child correctly at home and before going out. In this case, it is not at all necessary to use a hundred clothes. Experts believe that nothing should hinder the baby's movements. He should feel comfortable enough

What a newborn needs in winter
What a newborn needs in winter

A newborn baby's clothing should be made from natural fabrics. Otherwise, his body will not be able to breathe and will overheat. Which is very undesirable, as this leads to a weakening of the immune system and frequent illnesses.

It is imperative to put on a chintz thin undershirt on the baby's body, and on top - a flannel. If you are not a supporter of swaddling, then immediately pull on a warm suit or overalls over a disposable diaper. At the same time, keep in mind that things should not be worn over the head, as children do not like this.

At first, experts recommend wide swaddling. If you agree with this, then instead of a suit, use a thin diaper and flannel, and instead of a diaper - a reusable diaper (but this is at your discretion). Put a light cap on the baby's head. All of the above, of course, you need to buy several pieces. And remember, the more the better.

For winter walks, you must have a warm envelope, bag or transformer overalls. Moreover, the latter is very economical to use. When the baby grows up, its lower part can be unfastened, and instead of an envelope, fasten pants. It is good if the outerwear is insulated with sheepskin. Then your baby is definitely not threatened by winter frosts. Put a winter hat on your head.

If you are swaddling a baby, then you can use a cotton blanket as outerwear, and cover it with a shawl on top of the stroller. Only in this case it is better to wear woolen socks on the legs.

Be sure to lay a blanket or a special warm mattress on the bottom of the stroller in cold weather. Especially if it is stored in a cold place.

Also, many modern strollers are sold with a bag for the baby. You can use it too. Pay attention to your baby's appearance while walking. If he is restless, then it is better to return home. If the child is sweating or cold, then draw the appropriate conclusions. And do not be sad about this. Experience comes gradually. Over time, you will understand how best to dress your child in a given weather.
