If a child is born in winter, then caring parents, upon returning from the hospital, try in every possible way to wrap the baby and insulate the nursery. Is this the correct behavior?

In order for the baby to be comfortable, you must follow a few simple rules:
- according to pediatricians, it is strictly forbidden to wrap up a child;
- the temperature in the room should not exceed 20 - 22 ° C;
- there should be no drafts in the room where the baby's bed is;
- if the air in the room is very dry, you can purchase a humidifier or hang out a few damp towels;
- a crib or stroller should not be placed near a battery or heater;
- before going to bed, the room must be ventilated, and the baby should be dressed a little warmer than usual.
You can walk with your baby within 1, 5-2 weeks after birth, provided that the temperature outside is not lower than - 10 ° C. For a walk, you need to dress the baby warmly enough, because he will lie motionless, you should not wrap his face. You need to start walking for 5-10 minutes, gradually increasing the time spent on the street.
You can bathe the baby completely after the umbilical wound has healed, before that you should limit yourself to partial washing. The temperature in the bath water should be around 36 degrees. For accurate data, it is better to use a thermometer rather than hand sensing. It is necessary to start bathing from the legs, gradually immersing the child in water. If the child is healthy, it is necessary to bathe the baby daily.
There is no need to create greenhouse conditions for the child, all that a newborn needs is: mother's chest, clean air, daily bathing and the ability to move.