The peculiarities of the body of a newborn girl oblige parents to take the necessary preventive measures aimed at preventing diseases that can occur when the rules of personal hygiene are violated. Inexperienced and improper care of a newborn can harm her health.

Step 1
The external genitals of the newborn deserve special attention. In a full-term and healthy girl, the labia should cover the entrance to the vagina. If you suddenly have doubts about the correct structure of the genitals, you can seek advice from a pediatric gynecologist (especially if the entrance to the vagina is not visible or the clitoris is excessively enlarged).
Step 2
In the first days of life, a newborn may experience an increased influence of hormones received from the mother. This leads to swelling of the mammary glands, as well as a slight bloody discharge from the vagina (like menstruation). These symptoms have a peculiar name - "neonatal hormonal crisis", which does not require special treatment. In no case should you massage the glands or squeeze out the contents, try not to rub your clothes. In a couple of weeks, everything will go away by itself.
Step 3
It is necessary to wash the newborn with cleanly washed hands under a stream of warm boiled water (after each bowel movement) from front to back, so you can prevent the penetration of microbes from the intestines onto the baby's genitals. You can use when washing with baby soap, only you need to soap not the genitals of the newborn, but your hand. Finally, gently pat your skin dry with a diaper or soft towel. To moisturize the skin and prevent diaper rash, lubricate the girl's genitals with sterile sunflower oil or a special baby cream.
Step 4
Monitor timely bowel movements of the newborn. Overcrowded intestines and bladder can be the main cause of uterine pathologies. Therefore, if the baby has not emptied the intestines for several days, it is worth using an enema. When carrying out preventive measures at an early age of a girl, you will be able to warn in the future the incorrect position of the internal organs.