When young parents have their first child, the parents are faced with unexpected situations and challenges for the first time. Here are some tips to help parents look after their newborn.

Contact. It is extremely important for a child to feel his mother next to him and to know that his mother has not gone anywhere. For mom, by the way, this is also important.
Body to body. It is extremely important for a newborn child to feel bodily contact with parents, because newborn babies receive maximum information only through touch. Stroke, hug and lay your baby on your chest as often as possible.
Sensory world. The child will be as calm as possible if you periodically hold him in your arms, because he will listen to the parental heartbeat, which he listened to for 9 months while in the womb. The smell of the mother is also important, and in order for the sleep to be as strong and deep as possible, you should put some mother's thing in the baby's crib.
Maternal anxiety. Today's young mothers get too much information about caring for a child, and this is very bad, because, as they say, "how many people, so many opinions." As a result, mummies have questions: "Is I doing the right thing, maybe everything is wrong" or "they are wrong, but these are right." It will be best to chase away all negative thoughts, because they will not be useful. Believe me, a child needs a mother who is confident in her abilities and herself, without doubts and uncertainties.
Peace of mind, and sleep is independent. If the baby bursts into tears, you should comfort him in your arms so that he can feel the warmth and smell. No, do not think that you cannot spoil a child with this, because this is a myth. On the contrary, as mentioned above, it is excellent body contact.
Lactation. Breastfeeding is extremely important, but it is extremely important that it is fun for both mom and baby, and does not tire anyone.
Dad and childcare. From the very first days of a child's birth, you do not need to give him and all the cares about him to grandmothers, because the very first days of a child's life are an excellent time to establish contact between him and dad. Your best bet is to highlight a few of the responsibilities your dad can handle, such as bathing, swaddling, or bedding.
Daily regime. Mom and baby will be better and easier when the daily routine appears. For a newborn, this will be nutrition, wakefulness and sleep at a certain time. But this routine will not arise by itself, it must be created independently.
Rest is also needed. Many young mothers, after the child falls asleep, try to do all the housework, from cooking to cleaning. And this is wrong, because a young mother needs to rest. Only a well-rested mother can give the baby as much care and attention as possible. Your best bet is to prioritize.