Unfortunately, many children lag behind in speech development. The kid may not pronounce the sounds of his native language or pronounce them incorrectly. The vocabulary and grammatical structure of speech may also suffer. In order not to have problems with reading and writing later at school, visit a speech therapist and, if necessary, transfer your child to a speech therapy group in a kindergarten.

It is necessary
- - consultation with a regional speech therapist;
- - referral of a preschool institution to the PMPK (if you are sent to the commission by a preschool institution);
- - a package of documents.
Step 1
If the preschool institution sent the child to the Psychological, Medical and Pedagogical Commission (PMPK), then in advance find out at the clinic the opening hours. Prepare a complete package of documents, including an extract from the child's outpatient card, the conclusion of the pediatrician and other specialists (according to indications and in accordance with the detected deviations in the development of the child). Also present the child's birth certificate, insurance policy, data of instrumental examinations (EEG, MRI, CT, REG), if any.
Step 2
Get an examination by specialists in advance, most often the opinions of a neurologist, ophthalmologist, otolaryngologist and orthopedist / surgeon are required). The commission, after examining the child and studying the medical documentation, will make its decision. For referral to a speech therapy group, it is necessary to have a violation in the pronunciation of two or more groups of sounds, or the presence of a diagnosis: OHR, ZPR, FFNR, FNR in the speech therapy conclusion. The commission has the right to determine the type of correctional institution according to the profile of the identified speech disorders.
Step 3
If you decide to try to transfer your child to a speech therapy group on your own, and there is no regional speech therapist in your city, contact the head of your preschool educational institution, or the institution where you are supposedly going to assign your baby. With a positive answer and the possibility of enrolling the child in a speech therapy group, go through the PMPK on your own. Also, collect a package of documents and submit them to the commission.
Step 4
In case of a negative answer, you can try to assign the child to speech therapy classes at a speech center in a kindergarten. Submit your own application for PMPK. If the answer is positive, the commission will give you a referral to attend classes at a speech center. After a year, you can re-try to pass the commission for admission to a speech therapy group, if necessary.