Parents often do not know how to organize a holiday for their child who has reached adolescence, since it is extremely difficult to please a grown-up child. The main difficulties arise with the choice of the scenario, since children of this age want to organize their holiday "in an adult way."

If you decide to arrange a holiday for a teenager, the first thing you should realize is that your child has grown up and already wants to be an adult. Therefore, clowns and contests in a childish way will not work in this case.
The main components of a holiday for teenagers
The structure of a children's cultural event differs significantly from the program of an adult holiday. And their main difference is that children do not drink alcohol and prefer movement instead of long conversations at the table.
Each children's party consists of "three tables": the first - snacks and glasses with juice, the second - hot dishes and the third - dessert. The rest of the time of the holiday, teenagers prefer to have fun. In view of this, you should take care in advance and prepare a number of entertainment and games, and it is not necessary that all games be supervised by adults, give children more independence. You can organize safe entertainment such as playing darts with Velcro, or organize sports activities such as table hockey or soccer. It is desirable that there are more such entertainments, then children will not have to invent other, noisier, and sometimes dangerous games.
If you have a grandiose holiday (New Year's Eve or Birthday), you should order or purchase a festive fireworks display. This kind of entertainment, just like dancing, makes it possible to throw out emotions.
At the end of the holiday, you should plan a disco, since at this time the children are already quite calm. But keep in mind that not all children dare to dance, so it is necessary to plan dance-style games so that the children are involved in the game. And remember, teenagers are no longer small children, so leave them alone from time to time.
Choosing a presenter and theme for a holiday for teenagers
When choosing a presenter, it should be borne in mind that it is easier for children to communicate and open up to a stranger than to one of the parents.
Teenagers love themed parties. But in this matter, you should be prudent, since not every topic will fit. Many boys and girls under the age of 12 enjoy stylized pirate parties. Older boys prefer sports or military themes. Girls love costume events, for example, you can arrange a princess party for girls aged 10-12. Slightly older girls prefer to spend holidays based on popular films, for example, magic parties (based on the movie "Harry Potter") or vampire parties (based on the movie "Twilight").
If children of both sexes will be present at the upcoming holiday, choose a topic that is interesting to everyone. Many people use the theme of sports: a bowling party, a mini-Olympics or a football party. In addition, recently, when organizing a holiday for teenagers, they began to use the themes of popular film works, for example, "Avatar". To organize this holiday, you can use face painting and associate entertainment and games with this film. Just divide the kids into two teams: Avatar and Military. And organize team games.
Remember that a holiday should not only have an entertainment function, but also an educational one. If you decide to hold a plot holiday, good must triumph over evil.