A furuncle is an acute purulent inflammation of the hair follicle, it looks like a painful bright red tubercle with a purulent pustule, gradually increasing in size. A single boil on the body does not pose a particular danger. If he popped up on his face, it can turn into a serious illness that threatens the child's life. Therefore, even a single boil in children requires the correct therapeutic approach.

Step 1
it is prescribed depending on the stage of the disease. At the very beginning, when the inflammatory process is localized within the hair follicle, conservative treatment is limited. First of all, this is strict adherence to skin hygiene, cleaning the area around the boil with 1% iodine alcohol or similar disinfectants. Local compresses with alcohol-containing solutions, rivanol, dressings with Vishnevsky ointment or tar ointment are prescribed. Under such dressings, boils ripen and open faster. Sometimes the boil is chipped with an antibiotic solution if there is a risk of spreading the infection. In addition, physiotherapy is prescribed.
Step 2
If the purulent process has already gone beyond the hair follicle, that is, an abscess has begun, the therapy will be somewhat different. An abscessed boil is treated surgically. The operation consists in the incision and removal of the purulent-necrotic rod and the surrounding affected tissue. After these manipulations, a sterile dressing is applied to the wound, it is changed daily until it heals. After such an operation, children are often treated with general antibiotic treatment. A therapy aimed at strengthening the child's immune system is also recommended.
Step 3
Sometimes, after one boil has healed, another one, or even several, appears on another area of the skin. This disease is called furunculosis. In this case, complex therapy is needed, including the treatment of each individual inflammation. At the same time, a course of antibiotic therapy is prescribed. Some help to patients with furunculosis can be provided by homeopathic therapy, laser therapy, ultraviolet irradiation of blood.
Step 4
Parents should be aware that a boil should never be squeezed out, especially when it is localized on the face or scalp. In this case, the child must be immediately shown to the surgeon for proper treatment.