A violent cough usually plagues young children. This is due to the peculiarities in the structure of the larynx in the region of the vocal cords. The most common cause of cough is laryngitis - swelling of the mucous membrane. Severe attacks of barking cough are observed at night, especially in the phase of exacerbation of the disease (the first 2-3 days). But not always the culprit of the cough is laryngitis, it can be an allergic reaction of the body, or the usual sore throat during the period of illness. There are many ways to stop coughing.

It is necessary
- - alkaline drink;
- -honey;
- -butter;
- -inhalation;
- -Children's cough syrup.
Step 1
If a coughing fit occurs while the baby is asleep, sit him down and give him a drink. If the cough continues to torment, let the child resemble. Well suited as a drink: alkaline mineral water, a glass of water with a quarter teaspoon of soda, warm milk or chamomile decoction. These funds soften the mucous membrane of the pharynx, the perspiration goes away, the cough weakens.
Step 2
Use honey or butter to relieve coughs a bit. Have the child slowly suck up a teaspoon of honey or butter. But be careful, if the baby is allergic to bee products, then the condition can only get worse.
Step 3
When there is no improvement, and the cough only gets worse, inhale the baby. In an emergency, during a period of severe suffocation with laryngitis, quickly turn on hot water in the bathroom and let the baby breathe over the steam. Humidity also rises into the room, the airways are moistened, and the coughing gradually stops. You can inhale with cedarwood essential oil. Pour hot water into a bowl and add some oil, let the child breathe.
Step 4
Baby syrups, which are high in essential oils, can help relieve coughs. Give your baby the correct dose of syrup. In some cases, this method helps a lot. But if this is not just a sore throat and a dry cough, then it is better to call a specialist. It is not always possible to relieve an attack at home, and it is dangerous to self-medicate.
Step 5
If the baby was advised to be hospitalized, do not hesitate. Often a banal dry cough is laryngitis, which can turn into a false croup. In the exacerbation stage, the baby may simply die due to the narrowing of the lumen in the larynx. To relieve the condition and relieve swelling, the child will be given prednisone before arriving at the hospital. The hospital will conduct a course of treatment for the disease. And also the baby will be prescribed inhalations using special equipment.