Flat feet - deformation of the foot, which leads to a flattening of its arch. The reasons for the development of this disease are: foot injuries, improper shoes, muscle weakness, which is caused by excessive stress, hereditary predisposition.

Step 1
At an early age, it is very difficult to determine flat feet in a child. After all, children have flat feet from birth. Only when the child begins to walk slowly does he develop the rudiments of the vaults. Therefore, if there is suspicion of flat feet and in order to check a child under the age of five, it is better to consult an orthopedic doctor with this problem.
Step 2
For older children, a special test can be carried out. It is very simple and even fun if you turn it all into a game.
Step 3
Take a blank sheet of paper and place it on the floor. Lubricate the baby's feet with any greasy cream and place it on this sheet. Make sure that he does not bend his toes and put the legs evenly and together. At the same time, let the body be kept straight, so that the weight of the body is distributed evenly over the entire foot. Lift the baby gently. There will be clear prints of his feet on the paper.
Step 4
The second option differs in that you do not need to use a cream. Just place the child with dry feet on the paper and carefully trace his feet with a pencil. Again, observe the correct posture.
Step 5
Then draw a line with a pencil that will connect the edges of the plantar grooves. Then, perpendicular to this line, draw another straight line that will cross the groove of the foot at the deepest place.
Step 6
If the print of the narrowest part of the foot occupies less than one third of this line, then the child does not have flat feet. And if it reaches the middle of the line or more, then there are clearly pronounced signs of flat feet and an urgent need to consult a doctor.
Step 7
Take a closer look at how your child walks. If, when walking, he relies more on the inner part of the foot, and in a standing position, the deviation of the heel outward is noticeable, then this is another sign of flat feet.
Step 8
Pay attention to the sole of the child's shoes: in children suffering from this disease, trampling of the soles occurs along the inner edge.
Step 9
A child with flat feet gets tired faster, his legs often hurt.
Step 10
At an early stage, flat feet found can be successfully cured with special exercises for the feet, massage, wearing special orthopedic insoles, so do not delay and at the first sign, hurry with the child to the children's consultation.