Herbal teas are not capable of harming even a child's body, if they are not abused, if brewed and drunk correctly. What herbal teas are especially recommended for your child? How exactly can they affect children's well-being?

Aromatic and tasty herbal teas can have a beneficial effect on well-being. Some of them are great for strengthening the immune system or for fighting seasonal viral diseases. Other drinks based on herbs and flowers help to cheer up and add energy. There are special preparations that relieve nervous tension and normalize sleep, or have a positive effect on digestion and the work of internal organs. Many varieties of herbal teas can be given to children. What herbs can and should be used in childhood?
Herbal teas for children: some nuances
Most herbal and flower teas are recommended for a child's diet after one or three years of age. However, some options, for example, chamomile tea or dill broth, can be used when the child is very small (from six months or even earlier).
Herbal tea in the children's menu can be used not only as a specific remedy. He will add variety, perfectly cope with thirst. Certain types of herbal drinks can be used to prevent any painful conditions, to normalize health at the moment, or to enrich the child's body with useful substances and vitamins.
Starting to give a child herbal tea, the first time you need to very carefully monitor his reaction and health. Many herbs can cause allergic reactions. Too much dosage, drinking abundant herbal tea can also negatively affect children's well-being, causing, for example, indigestion. If you plan to give your child herbal tea for the purpose of treatment, be sure to first consult a pediatrician.
Herbal infusions should not be made too strong. Giving them very hot to a child is also not recommended.
Top 5 Herbal Teas Good for Kids
Melissa tea
This herbal tea comes in handy if the child does not sleep well, suffers from nightmares, wakes up often and has a very difficult time falling asleep. Melissa will also have a positive effect on daytime activity, relieving anxiety and anxiety in young children. It is recommended to brew and give this herbal tea to a child if there are any stomach or digestive problems in general. Melissa helps to strengthen the nervous system, has a beneficial effect on the immune system.
Lime tea
This drink can be given to the child in pure form or with the addition of sugar or honey. Honey should be mixed into tea carefully and in small portions, as it can provoke severe allergies.
Linden drink, like lemon balm tea, relieves nervous excitement and normalizes sleep. It improves the process of assimilation and digestion of food, relieves stool problems. It is useful to give tea with linden to children during the season of colds. The drink contains vitamin C and flavonoids, which successfully fight various inflammatory processes.
Plantain drink
This herbal tea can be given to children from a very young age; it practically does not cause an allergic reaction. Plantain tea effectively fights inflammation in the body. It relieves the condition during angina, ARVI / ARI. If the child has sore gums, then this tea will also help. It is worth turning to a drink with plantain and in order to facilitate breathing in various diseases of the respiratory system.
Fennel tea
This natural remedy perfectly fights various microbes, therefore fennel tea is recommended for use during periods of illness. For children, herbal tea is useful during periods of digestive problems. It relieves pain in the intestines and gas, normalizes the process of digestion and can serve as a very mild but effective laxative.
Thyme tea
If the child is tormented by abdominal pain, colic and other negative manifestations from the gastrointestinal tract, it is worth giving him this version of herbal tea. Thyme very quickly relieves of a serious condition and normalizes the work of the digestive tract, also helps to get rid of worms. At the same time, thyme infusion tones up, helps to cope with various loads, it can be useful for children who have just begun to adapt to school. Thyme is effective against nervous tension, coughs, high fever and flu.