It is believed that most herbal teas and drinks are safe during pregnancy. Therefore, many expectant mothers begin to drink them, believing that by doing this they cannot harm either themselves or the unborn child. Not all herbal teas sold in stores are so safe. Some of them are contraindicated in pregnancy. Even traditional chamomile can cause irreparable harm to the health of an expectant mother.

Are the herbs and recommended teas as safe as they used to think? Is it worth drinking such drinks on your own, without consulting a specialist?
Dangers of herbal teas during pregnancy
Some plants do not do any harm when used topically. But when taken orally - it's not so simple.
For example, you can take the beloved chamomile. Quite often, women drink chamomile tea during pregnancy, because friends and many doctors advise this.
Before you start using any herb, you should find out about all its indications and contraindications, of which there are quite a few. Improper brewing of herbs can lead to unpleasant consequences. Instead of improving her health, a woman can get additional problems.
Chamomile, when used for a long time in the form of tea, can provoke premature birth and even miscarriages. If it is used only for rinsing the throat or for cosmetic procedures, then there will be no harm.
At first glance, safe and harmless herbs - St. John's wort, calendula, oak bark, eucalyptus, nettle, string - can exacerbate some diseases if used in the form of teas. During pregnancy, it is strongly discouraged to brew these herbs in the form of tea and prepare any drinks with similar ingredients.
The use of a number of herbs can cause an allergic reaction. This is especially true for essential oils of plants. It is not recommended to use medicinal herbs and essential oils for inhalation during pregnancy. Vapors entering the body begin to act in the same way as when drinking herbal tea.
However, there are still a number of plants that, in small quantities, are actually safe during pregnancy.

What herbal teas are good for during pregnancy
Peppermint tea can help relieve pain in the stomach and intestines, relaxing and soothing. The drink also helps well with toxicosis, eliminating nausea.
Lemon balm tea has almost the same properties as mint tea. The only thing it does better is to calm the nervous system.
Motherwort tea lowers blood pressure, soothes, helps to sleep better. Quite often, motherwort is used in maternity hospitals together with other medicines in order to relieve the tone of the uterus.
Linden tea helps with colds and can be used to treat acute respiratory infections. The drink has an anti-inflammatory effect, relieves fever, thins the blood and has a calming effect.
Lingonberry tea is an excellent remedy for those women who already have kidney and bladder problems. It quickly relieves swelling and also helps to reduce blood pressure.
Rosehip tea has a tonic effect. It helps the body to get the required amount of vitamins, strengthens the immune system. This tea is also perfect during toxicosis.
Flaxseed drink can be used to help normalize the digestive tract. It is very effective for constipation, stomach and intestinal ailments.
It is important to remember that even those teas and drinks that cannot harm the body should be consumed with caution. It is advisable to consult a specialist before using them.
The reaction to the use of herbal teas may vary from person to person. In any case, such drinks should not be abused, especially by women during pregnancy.